Literature neighbor to build a Muslim community and closer links between its members

Muslim community, one entity coherent way God wants - the Almighty - for society to be, he says: Worship Allah and join none with Him and good to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, the needy and the neighbor of kin and the neighbor side and Saheb says and the wayfarer and proprietary that God does not like from the swaggering proud} (36) Nisa
And Nu'man bin Bashir, may Allah be pleased with him said the Messenger of Allah - r - «The believers in their mutual love, mercy and compassion, such as body complained if it joins the rest of his body, restlessness and fever» [1] .
"Islam and the neighbor in Makram great honor, great respect for the respectable, it was recommended that the Prophet - r - By the assignment of young children to respect, Islam also called for parents to leave behind their children's love of neighbor and avoid annoyance to some intentional and unintentional in any way. " [2]
Of age, she heard Aisha say: I heard the Messenger of Allah r says: Jibril still Iusini neighbor until I thought he Aorthnh. [3]
"In the palm of neighbor for neighbor Kalzeny harm, theft, verbal abuse and shall protect his neighbor's kindness to him and lifted him harm, and the potential harm to the neighbor and forgiveness and a dream to him" [4]
'Amr ibn Shuaib, from his father, grandfather, that the Messenger of Allah r said: "Close the door without the neighbor, fearing for his family and his wealth is not that a believer, and not a believer who does not feel safe from whose harm his neighbor, do you know what the right neighbor: If Astaank Oanth, and if Astkarzk lent, if it lacked the promised him, and if the disease promised him, and if the injury is better I congratulated him, and if hit by a disaster Azith, and if he dies follow his funeral, does not swell by building block by the wind without his permission, do not hurt him Baktar your destiny only that scoops him to do, and I bought fruit Vahid him, did not do Vadkhalha secret, or go out with your child to spite the his son, Do you know what the right neighbor, and my hand is a right neighbor, who only a little womb of God "is still thought he would address them so that neighbor Ciorth Then he said the Messenger of Allah r "Neighbors three: Some of them have three rights, and some will have two rights, and some of them right, either, which has three rights Valjar Muslims near his right neighbor, the right of Islam, the right of kinship, but who has the two rights Valjar Muslim has the right neighborhood, right Islam, which is the right one has the right to Valjar infidel neighbors, "We said: O Messenger of Allah, feed them from Nskna, said:" Do not feed the idolaters something of piety " [5]
Said Obaid bin Amir, in his stories: it was said: "the right of the neighbor you have to know Marovk, and stop him hurt you, and the right of kinship that had received if the Qtek, and give it if Ahramk, and the first people to pardon best suited to the sentence, but reduced the people's mind from the oppression of Who is without him " [6]
[1] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (6751)
[2] - Halabi, Abdul Majid, taste, Islamic education for boys and an objective approach and method, p. 117
[3] - Reported by the group ascribed to the mosque - (20/243) (16 962)  
[4] - Siham Jabbar Mahdi, a child in Islamic law and the education curriculum of the Prophet, p. 322-325, in a nutshell
[5] - People of faith - (12/105) (9113) Poor
[6] - People of faith - (10/548) (7970) correctly
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