Literature teacher respect and appreciation of their role in the face of decay and corruption, justice and the dissemination of science

"Scientists of high grades, they are the nation's leaders and pioneers of research, they are the heirs of the prophets who were entrusted with the face of decay and corruption, justice and the dissemination of science" [1]
From Abu Umaamah Baahili said mention of the Messenger of Allah - r - Two men, one and the other world Abed said the Messenger of Allah - r- «Preferred the world to the worshiper Kvdily Adnakm». Then he said the Messenger of Allah - r - «God and His angels and inhabitants of the heavens and the earth, even the ant in its hole, and even the fish, who teaches people good». [2]
And many bin Qais, said: I was sitting with Abu Darda in the mosque of Damascus, a man came and said: O Abu Darda, I Otik from the city of the Prophet in an interview I heard you speaking about the Messenger of Allah r , Abu Darda said: As I came to need, but I came to trade, but only came to this conversation? He said: Yes, he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah r , Says:
Of the wire path requesting the note, wire God way of roads to Paradise, and angels put their wings satisfaction of the seeker of knowledge, and the world pray for forgiveness for him in the heavens and the earth, and whales in the water, preferring the world to the worshiper, like the superiority of the moon to full moon night on other planets , Scientists and heirs of the prophets, the prophets did not leave behind dinars and dirhams, and bequeathed to science, it took luck and take plenty. [3] 
  In the collector a statement of science: "the right of the world not to abound upon the question, not intransigence answer and not to insist upon if laziness does not take his garment when he got up, and Tvchen his secret, nor Tgtbn has one, do not you seek the slump, but Zell has accepted Madhirth, and you have to Toukrh and venerated as long as God preserves the order of Allah, nor Tglsn in front of him but his people need prior to his service "
Oncdna Yusuf ibn Harun himself in a poem to him:
Him and his knowledge in each eye sees him all reverence Jalil
As well as scientists Kalkhalafa when people in the veneration and reverence
Abu Omar and Rowena in many ways from Abu Salamah said: "If Rafqat Ibn Abbas extracted some knowledge about it a lot," said the popular: "It was Abu Salamah Limari Ibn Abbas; forbidding this note a lot," said the wise: If Jalst scientists so be that the you hear make sure you have to say, "said Hussein Bin Ali to his son:" Son, if Jalst scientists so be that you hear make sure you that you say, and learn good listening as you learn good silence, do not go to a new but long until the catch, "said the popular "Jalsoa scientists;, you said that if you do good Hmdokm Osatm Taoloa you and if you made ​​a mistake not Adhirokm Aanvokm Jhiltm Almokm even though you have seen Nfokm" [4]
"Social rights important to be clear educators have education of their children to respect the teacher and reverence, to carry him and peace, and not to raise the voice and good to sit and not do what he hates and initiative to his service as requested and wanted. And we know that our children look to their teacher into reverence, showing his virtues The merits and not talk to his council to listen to it, and not to distraction and leave him, and question him gently " [5]
"It should be for the learner to humble himself to his teacher and viewed with respect, and finds Kamal eligibility" and Rgehana more class, it is closer to making use of him and what he heard of it entrenched in his mind.
- And warns of the numerator by the learner knows and that miss, and although it Aladalal made ​​friends with him, and shows him his self-sustainability and to do without it, the disbelief of the grace and disregard him.
- Should not be Tbosh knowledge of the truth for the teacher to accept the suspicion of it, and should not be Aant mentor to ask, do not call him Alaanat left for the teacher to the tradition while taking it. And not asking too much confused with Aanata, do not accept what is true in the tradition of self-   .
But it does not insist on pressing question boring, and when asked to take good himself and his spare, and be kind in his question and his speech improves   .
- And takes the learner fortune who found the requested Him of His Prophet and inert, and does not require known and well above by following the people of homes of scientists, if the benefit with others generally, but applies equally Alnfan so taking who famously said, rose of the first, because the affiliation with the most beautiful and take him months   .
- Should be studiously careful to learning in all of his time, day and night and attended the journey, not something that goes from his time in the non-science, except to the extent necessary to eat and some sleep - a must - and the like necessities. " [6]
[1] - Siham Jabbar Mahdi, a child in Islamic law and the education curriculum of the Prophet, p. 319
[2] - Sunan al-Tirmidhi - Thesaurus - (2901)   Abu Issa said this hadeeth is hasan saheeh Ghraib.
[3] -   Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (1 / 289) (88) is true
[4] - An inclusive statement of science>> the door of a mosque in the world literature and the learner>> (614)
- [5] Siham Jabbar Mahdi, a child in Islamic law and the education curriculum of the Prophet, p. 320-321
[6] - Fiqhiyyah Kuwait - (13/10)
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