Literature with the Muslim Prophet (PBUH) Sunnah and revive the show and his law enforcement to inform his call and his commandments

The Muslim feels in his heart should be full literature with the Messenger of Allah - r - Which Allah honored us and made ​​us its mission of his followers for several reasons including:
  1 - Allaah has enjoined his literature, peace and blessings on every believer; so explicitly his Almighty when he said:) O you who believe, do not submitted in the hands of Allah and His Messenger and fear Allah, Allah is Hearing, Knowing ((cabins: 1).
He said:) O you who believe, do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet, nor speak aloud to him by saying shout one to another, lest your works and you do not feel ((cabins: 2)
He said:) Those who lower their voices when the Messenger of Allah, those who God tested their hearts to piety for them forgiveness and great reward ((Rooms: 3).
He said:) Those who call you from behind the rooms most of them do not understand if they go out to them until the patient had been better ((closets :4-5).
He said:) Do not make prayer the Prophet among you Kdaa one another ((Nur: 63)
He said:) believers are those who believe in Allah and His Messenger, and if they were with him on the collector is not even going Astaznoh ((Nur: 62).
  2 - that God has imposed on the faithful to obey him, and enjoined his love, he said:) O you who believe, obey Allah and obey the Messenger ((Muhammad: 33).
He said:) should beware of those who violate ordered him to acquire a trial or suffer a painful torment ((Nur: 63).
He said:) And whatsoever the Messenger gives you, take and whatsoever he forbids, abstain ((Al-Hashr: 7)
He said:) Say that you love Allah then follow me, Allah and the Sunnah will forgive you your sins ((Al-Imran: 31)
It is obliged to obey him and denied violating the necessary politeness with him in all circumstances.
  3 - Allaah has made ​​him stand as an imam and his rule as governor he says:) I sent down to you the book right to judge between people see you as God ((al-Anbiya: 105).
  He said,) and sent down to you the Book in truth, confirming what his hands from the book and guarding it so judge them what Allah has revealed and follow not their vain desires, comes from the right each among you, Bill and platform, even if willing, God made ​​you one nation, but He might try in whatsoever: so good things to God Marjekm all Vinbikm including when you disagree ((48) Surah
He said: {And your Lord is not even Agmuk do not believe in all disputes between them, and do not find themselves embarrassed than I was and Ignorance} (65) Nisa
I swear by God Almighty himself precious that they do not believe the truth even put you ruled with signed, including the conflict in your life, and resort to Sntek after Mmatk, then do not find themselves in a narrow, which ended up with your verdict, and be led, however, Ankieda full ruling is what brought by the Messenger of Allah r from the Qur'aan and Sunnah in all affairs of the heart of the life of faith with the satisfaction and delivery. [1]
He said: {Indeed in the Messenger of Allah a good example for him who hopes for Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much} (21) Al-Ahzab
  4 - that God has imposed on his love of the tongue was narrated from Abu Hurayrah - y - That the Messenger of Allah - r - The «Whose hand is my soul does not believe any of you until I am dearer to him than his father and his son» [2] . It is obligatory and must love literature and undertakes necessary politeness with him.
5 - What Achens by the Lord of creation and the beauty of creation, and endowed by the perfection of the self, the self is the most beautiful creature and completed at all, and this was how the case should not be nurturing him.
6 - Also, after the first verse that spoke from the original year, which adjusts the life of a Muslim (in the receive from God the Almighty and His Messenger r ) .. Came following verses speak for: Arts on the nation due to the Prophet r , Who received him their approach and their religion:
(O you who believe, do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet, nor speak aloud to him by saying shout one to another, lest your works and you do not feel) (closets 2) .. ie: - O you who believe: If Kelmtm the Messenger of Allah r Valtsmoa literature full, Akhvadwa your voices and Tervauha over his voice, and when he addressed not Ottaghroa saying also recite one to another, nor Takataboh his name and surname, but Khataboh what is deserved, and what distinguishes his place for prestige .. because you said you did, or that Khatabtamoh his name and surname and you raise your voices above the voice .. it Asoukkm to disregard those who honor to inform you the message of God Almighty, and therefore to disregard the letter itself, and this may lead to the invalidity of the reward of your work and loss without Tdroa or feel this dangerous slope, which may Aouselkm to disbelief frustrating to work .. It is a warning and intimidation of the faithful followers of that behavior.
(Those who lower their voices when the Messenger of Allah, those who God tested their hearts to piety for them forgiveness and great reward) (closets 3).
- Those who lower their voices and Akhvdunha in the presence of the Messenger of Allah r , The God has their hearts to receive the extraordinary gift, and the award is from the Almighty, the gift of piety, which will lead to the result to fear Him, and to turn to, and then to maturity forgiveness of Almighty and the entitlement to wage the great leads to heaven .. it CARROT deep after Warning scary! ..
(Those who call you from behind the rooms most of them do not understand * if they come out to them until the patient had been better for them, and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful) (closets 3).
- And then pointed to verses incident with the delegation of Bani Tamim (in delegates), when presented to the Messenger of Allah r , And they were expressing Ajafah, Vnadoa from behind the chambers of the Prophet (PBUH), overlooking the Prophet's Mosque, 'O Muhammad! .. Come out! The idea of the Messenger of Allah .. r the acrimony and the inconvenience: (Those who call you from behind the rooms most of them do not understand) .. because they have not attained the mental qualities that show them how to deal with the message of God Almighty, did not follow the literature mature mature in dealing with people.
It was better for them to wait and be patient until he graduated to them, it is best for them with God, and when people, for the observance of the literature in place of prophecy .. but God Almighty says, then: (And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful), a carrot to repent and turn (back) to it, and return to the asset in dealing with the Messenger of Allah r , Then the carrots in mercy and forgiveness, with only the words of God Almighty to warn them and rebuked, and did not come down to punish them .. mind to the cruel nature has Paljfa.
How complied with the believers of the companions of the Messenger of Allah r these verses?! ..
- I swear by them not speaking to him only in secret (Abu Bakr may Allah be pleased with him) .. and some of them keen on lowering his voice so the Messenger of Allah Istvhmh r .. And some of them remained scared and drove away from the frustrating work, because his voice aloud sharply (Thabit ibn Qays) .. and .. and some of them.
- In Khudaibiya, says negotiator Quraish (loop bin Masoud Thaqafi): (God, what expectorate the Messenger of Allah expectoration only occurred in the palm of a man whom (meaning companions) .. do not fall from the hair thing but it took him .. and if ordered Aptdroa his order, and if he does wudoo came close to fighting each other on the light (ie the resulting water for ablution) .. and if he has spoken ..)..( lowered their voices and God has rounded on the Caesar of his property .. and .. Chosroes in his kingdom and the Negus in his .. and what God has never seen a king , Aazation his companions such as maximizing the companions of Muhammad Muhammad)! ..
Consider, but we manage, and no prophet, God bless them, our ideal! ..
To reflect on the lessons and sermons inspired by verses
1 - literature and should be with the Messenger of Allah r , And attended in his life .. and after his death, with his Sunnah and his speeches and his biography.
2 - minor may lead to sin, and the abuse to the Messenger of Allah r from the major sins that may lead to infidelity frustrating work.
3 - The making of the sins committed .. goes the reward of the business, it is not wrong to know the dimensions of his work is sometimes perpetrated by the abuser! ..
  Therefore, we control our actions and our words well, in order not to fall into error and sin that kills our Besalhat (Thsponh and easy, and when God is great)! ..
4 - The literature indicates that the enjoyment of the mind, it was polite he is sane, and injured his literature he is mentally deficient.
5 - literature and politeness with the Messenger of Allah r .. Requires politeness with scientists devoted believers, who are working to establish the law of God, and to defend the sacred limits .. they are the heirs of the prophets .. and the politeness with all significant employers of science and thought, who wish to boosting the Islamic nation, and work to defend them and their religion, and strive to pay her malice and suspicion, and in the erosion of its enemies and intruders to approach them and the True Islamic. [3]
These are some of the duties of his literature - r - And many others, but how to be literature? And what to be? This should have known!
The literature with him - r -
1 - to obey him and trace his footsteps and draw in all walks of life and religion. He says: 'Whoever obeys the Messenger has obeyed God and took what sent thee (Muhammad) (80) Nisa
2 - that does not provide the love and reverence and venerate the love of a creature or reverence or veneration whatever. Anas bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah r , He said, three of which were found the sweetness of faith: that God and His Messenger are dearer to him than all else, he loves a man does not love only God, and hates to go back in disbelief as he hates to glow Fikzv the fire. [4]
3 - pro who was befriend and anti who was hostile to and satisfaction with what he was pleased with him and anger about what had upset him. He says: but the complements of God and His Messenger and those who believe, who establish worship and pay the poor as they kneeled} (55) Surah
4 - reverence for his name and reverence when he is mentioned, prayer and peace be upon Astazamh and assess the merits and virtues. He says: {Verily We sent thee a witness and a missionary and a warner (8) to believe in Allah and His Messenger, and Tazrōh and Tokaroh and Tsobhoh morning and evening (9)} [al-Fath: 8.9]
5 - to believe in all that told him of an order of this world and religion, like the unseen in this life and in the Hereafter. He says: {And whatsoever the messenger, take it and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain, and fear Allah, for Allah is severe in punishment} (7) Al-Hashr
6 - revive the Sunnah and to show his law and his call to inform, enforce and His commandments. Abd-Allaah ibn 'Amr said: The Messenger of Allah r : Convey from me even a verse, and happened for the children of Israel there is nothing wrong, and lied deliberately, let him take his place in Hell.[5]
7 - the volume down when his grave in his mosque, who honored God and the honor of being visited at his grave r , He says: {Those who lower their voices when the Messenger of Allah, those who God tested their hearts to piety for them forgiveness and great reward! (3) Al rooms
8 - love the righteous and his love and support them regardless immoral for his hatred and hostility.
This is the manifestation of Arts with him - r - From Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah rwent to the cemetery, he said: Hello Dar believing people, and I, God willing you to Successors, and I wished I had seen our brothers, they said: O Messenger of Allah, are we not your brothers, he said, but you my friends, and our brothers who have not come yet, and I Frthm on basin, they said: O Messenger of Allah, how do you know who comes Game of your nation? He said: What do you think if a man has imagined GR Mahglh in horses not to know their horse? They said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah, he said, they come to the Day of Resurrection Gras traces of ablution, and I Frthm the pelvis, Vlivadn men for pelvic and Ivad camel lost, Onadém not so not so, it is said: They changed the Game, I say: Vshaka Vshaka Vshaka. [6]
Anas bin Malik said: The Messenger of Allah r : I wanted to I met my brothers, he said, he said the owners of the Prophet r : Are not we brothers? He said: You are my friends, but my brothers who believed in me did not see me. " [7]
Silent worship and Ben said: The Prophet r the night of his companions, and if they pitched their midst Vvzawa they took him down, and they thought that God chose his other companions, if they are imagination of the Prophet r , Then say when they saw him and said: O Messenger of Allah Ohafqna that God chose you to be the companions of others. The Messenger of Allah r : No, but. You my friends in the world and the Hereafter that God woke me up and said: O Muhammad, I did not send a prophet nor a messenger but have asked me the question I gave to him, and vessels: O Muhammad, give. I said, the issues of the intercession of my Day of Resurrection. Abu Bakr said: O Messenger of God , and intercession? He said: O Lord, I say that I hid my intercession for you, says the Lord Almighty says: Yes. The rest of my Lord come out of the fire Vinbzhm in heaven. " [8]
Muslim should always strive to complete their performance and maintain full, with perfection and happiness of the Reserve is vested in the responsible and God Almighty to help us with the politeness of our Prophet r And make us among his followers and supporters and Shiites and help us to obey and not to deprive us his intercession .. God ... Amen! [9]
[1] - Interpretation of the facilitator - (2 / 65)
[2] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (14) and Saheeh Muslim - Thesaurus - (178)
[3] - Http:// = 15,006
[4] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (16) and Saheeh Muslim - Thesaurus - (174) and Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (1 / 474) (238)
[5] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (3461) and Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (14/149) (6256)
Abu Hatem y Saying: Convey from me even if the verse is meant to companions, and enter into the discourse of this phrase was as the Day of Resurrection in the Report after them with him r , Which is imposed on sufficiently communicated if the other fell from the others imposed, but necessary premise of what he had known that it is not at the other, and when it declined to broadcast, Muslim Khan, then he imposed.
[6] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (607) and Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (16/224) (7240)
Them: a collection of Bhim, who was black, not mixing with the color of the color of others - their father: a collection of black-Adham
[7] - Musnad Ahmad (Sora) - (4 / 399) (12 579) 12 607 - good for others
[8] - Musnad Ahmad (Sora) - (7 / 565) (22 771) 23 152 - Hassan
[9] - See my book ((sum in the rights of the Prophet r ))
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