Love angel innocent.. Feelings stray flames caught my senses incandescent

You are my angel of the innocent? .. It is where I came all this warmth .. And compassion?! Where do you come to this happiness that overwhelmed me?! This happiness, which revived my senses dead .. And made ​​me look into this world of love and nostalgia .. This happiness that .. Shattered castles Ahzana .. And demolished the walls of my sufferings and Ahata .. Doubt and wounds Ozamani grim .. And Tehrtna Adnas of the past .. And washed the dust of misery on my face .. And wiped my face and frowning boy ..
Who are you, O pure angel? ! Why did you come to the mysterious world strange?!
 Why hands grabbed my hands and you are from the swamps of Okhrjtna Crotchety?! Why Okhrjtna of cities suffering?! Why did you come to
Specifically?! Why did you choose lean my heart .. Between all hearts?! Why fresher tunes sung?!This was not the looks captivating ... Of malt Ostadta?! And shook my soul from the deep slumber?! 
Why ?!... Why?!
Now your heart Alhnon .. Groans heard my heart sad?! Or because Providence sent you to me .. To taste the taste of happiness on your hands and happiness .. Or because the love inside me called you? To live the spirit of the Spirit?! Or because your feelings stray flames caught my senses incandescent?! Or because you created me and created you?! ..
I know .. Dear Angel .. That the seed of love that I gave in my heart .. They are grown .. And Orguet .. And become a green paradise .. Paying off all the time ".. I know my angel .. you .. I started the beginning of my life .. .. and Hanani and final friendly .. I know that you all .. and that longing you alone .. and forbidden for the happiness with you .. but you meet. . and you are sincere .. and you are honest and peace .. and you security .. and you are beautiful dream .. In fact, the most beautiful .. and you my own eyes the whole world .. and all the noble meanings .. and I promise you will remain my first love and last .. will Muna .. will remain the past, present and future then you have my full gratitude .. my beautiful angel ...

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