Love needs to be considered correct glasses sometimes

Heart loves all beautiful. In describing the love he said the old Arab proverb in a two parts: (The moon fell in love with love). The beauty is not only beauty of form and features, but also the beauty and personal foul. Can not overlook the fact that relative beauty, what you see may not be beautiful as well as for others. To the poet said, "Hamdani Abufras" and for the people with love doctrines.

I assure you that the beginning of the heart do not always love all the beautiful, Love is also blind, and sometimes fancy Ghellab! A statement that I saw before me embodied in the story of one of my friends. Let me first introduce you to my friend the author of this story. They are young and beautiful, educated, provide it with the centers of the suitors are countless, refuses to Alakhrlonha after the groom does not want to marry only those who fail him her heart. Even surprised me soon as I finally found the man who was looking for, and that he only managed to snatch her ​​heart. And began to describe and handsome and elegance, culture and elaborate in describing the beauty of his features that have not seen the likes of before her eyes and Alokhaztan his eyes, and dark hair that night and mentioned his magic ..... To the end of the qualities that I thought I would see before me a copy of the "prophet of God, peace be upon him"

Until the time comes for my meeting with them to know me on it. The surprise was when my eyes fell upon, as I said in the series: (true to him in the affairs of His creation (
I saw the front man of the severity of agility and tanned skin make your heart does not live up to something only you will remember the Alformosah our brothers in Somalia. His eyes and really spacious as described by my friend but I forgot to remember   Wrinkles that surround them those wrinkles that confirms that his youth is gone and ended His hair very black, just as she described to me also, that really reminds you that the vast Batma night, not so black Tgtroa Valvdil which of course is due to the quality of the dye used.

I noted in our Council that avoids the laughter, I asked my girlfriend about it, it avoids Vojaptna laughter so as not to discover him sitting space in the jaws of the tooth inside.

As for personal hygiene, my friend assures me that he has a philosophy, he is a supporter of tayammum even with the availability of water, yet its smell in her nose like the smell of musk andamber.

As for temperament, my girlfriend says you are really lucky if I sat with him in a good mood, you'll hear it at the time, thinner and fresher words phrases and beautiful conversations that are often inspired by his imagination and not unfounded. Tattabrsidikta and that such a feature in his character Fajayala fertile and do not feel bored with him, and since it can distinguish the truth in his speeches, do not find that a defect in it.

My friend and warn everyone to sit down with him if Tekrem'zajh - often in that case most of the time - she said. They are advised to go out with him sitting immediately in front of him, and only suffered gunshot fired by his tongue Vfk all around him, without any considerations.

If I saw him walking, you see the nose and the pride of walking on the ground. Although it is not classified as one of the richest Ashrrjal in the world, but if you sat down with him Ohark so, with my friend to confirm that the dollar Mqsrdaúma friend with him and his eyeballs too, fancy that he has special appeal for women and girls that dream. With, I am certain that my friend is the only woman that have accepted it and only that can ill afford to consider in the face (back, (
In spite of all his attributes and specifications only that my friend - I do not know why and how? - Wander heart of men. Although you will of the grievance submitted to her, if you try to compare them. It emphasizes that in its consideration of the great men and created Ojmlhm creation.
At the end houses with them, my friend asked me for my opinion on her boyfriend. I replied immediately: I really believed he said: (mirror love is blind).

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