Do not remove the management functions referred to by Sears for group functions Oharaleha predecessors, led by French architect \ "Henri Fayol \" and the main functions of management in the fields of the various departments as determined by Sears are: planning, organization, direction, coordination, and oversight, and correspond to the order in terms : Planning, Organazing, Directoring , Co-ordenating and Controling
In the analysis of these functions can be detected on the nature of administrative work in various fields, Haton job itself is what the administration. In the process of planning, management needs to examine the conditions in preparation for a successful decision-making process, which takes into account the nature of the objectives and available resources to achieve them, and obstacles to progress towards the goals and the position of workers.
In the regulatory process needs to be put laws, regulations and instructions Li arrangements in the image of human and material resources, to facilitate the implementation of the objectives of the organization or the organization, which arise from the arrangements.In the analysis of these functions can be detected on the nature of administrative work in various fields, Haton job itself is what the administration. In the process of planning, management needs to examine the conditions in preparation for a successful decision-making process, which takes into account the nature of the objectives and available resources to achieve them, and obstacles to progress towards the goals and the position of workers.
In the routing process activates the administrative procedures for implementation of the reconciliation of the authority shall be entitled to it through the powers of his position and power derived from his intelligence and his knowledge and experience of recognizing the overall objectives of the organization, the nature of work assigned to them, and their potential human and material, labor and social conditions affecting them.
In the process of coordination, requires management to make all elements of the organization and its operations are going in an integrated manner does not double when there is no contradiction, so that direct efforts to rationally towards the targets set within the available resources, to the extent permitted by the social and economic forces and political and cultural environment regulation.
The control: they follow directly or indirectly for the institution to assess the system work, and the extent of its usefulness in the light of the goals expected of them (Arafj, 2001, p. 30-31).