Manifestations of severe heart.. Loneliness and cruelty of the heart and passion Bmlmat minimum

The severity of heart symptoms and manifestations of the show, which vary in severity and their impact on its owner, and most important of these features: 
1 - laziness for good deeds, charity and private acts of worship, and perhaps excessive in some cases, the prayer performed just movements do not reverence it, but narrows it like in prison, wants its courts quickly, as it Atthaql on the performance of the Sunnah and redundancy, and see obligations and duties imposed by Allaah be upon him like a weight plagued by back Wesera and tongue condition says,
comfortable, and it has described God's the hypocrites said: {and do not come to prayer but they are lazy and spend only grudgingly} (Repentance: 54) and said: 'If they have to pray they are lazy!) women: 14) .
2 - not affected by the revelations of the Holy Qur'an and preaching: he hears the verses of the promise and the warning is not affected nor reverence his heart and Abt, as it neglects to read the Koran, and hear and find weight and dissociation him, with God Almighty says: {he mentioned the Koran from the fear and gala} ( s: 45) and the faithful praise God by saying: {The believers are those who, when Allah and recorded their hearts and if they read verses Zadthm faith and trust in the Lord} (Anfal: 2). 
3 - not influenced by something that turned him from accidents as death and the verses of the cosmic: the wonders with him from time to time, it is not affected by death and the dead, and sees the dead and walking on graves, as if nothing had happened, and enough of death and preacher, he says {I think they are tried every year once or twice and then do not repent, nor will they remember? (Repentance: 126).
4 - and growing fondness Bmlmat Aatherha world and the Hereafter: become a world filled worry and concern, and worldly interests Mizana be in love and aversion, and his relations with people; so in envy, selfishness, avarice and stinginess.
5 - weakens the maximization is Y: and off jealousy, carrying the flame of faith, do not be angry if they violate the giver, sees evil not move a finger, and hear the doom, as if nothing had happened, does not know is known, does not deny the evil, not shrugged off disobedience and sin.
6 - loneliness that it finds the cruel heart:
And chest tightness and a feeling of anxiety and distress to people, and almost enjoying or living the assured; would remain tense anxiety of everything.
7 - sin grown-fold: to each other and generates so difficult for him to leave her, and become habits.

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