Methodology of teaching history through the White Paper

As is well known history is a core subject in the school of intellectual training and knowledge of the learner and the social development of his intelligence and knowledge to provide him with the tools and methodology to understand the importance of the past in understanding the present and look to the future, preparing to solve the problems it faces.
The importance of history from the three basic contexts:
* Social Context: Derives its history and function of community contribution with the other social sciences in the formation of the learner understand the community of national and international system located until it becomes a participant and an active and contributing to history as well as in theconfiguration of human intellectual development of critical thinking for social events and the formation of the mind to analyze situations and the formation of opinion (18).
** The educational context: The Platform of history is moving in the context of the trend that was brought by the National Charter for Education and Training, which provides to make the school full of life thanks to the Platform for educational active than receiving negative and individual action to adopt a self-learning and capacity for dialogue and participation in the diligence team and the Review All components of educational and teaching aids for the process of education and training be improved in order to enter T. substantial increase of the quality of education in all its components (19).
The document emphasizes context and choices and educational trends for a set of values ​​and skills that can be achieved through the learner of history where we find:
- The development of values ​​and principles of identity, cultural and moral values ​​of citizenship, which is the carrier of history to it.
- Efficiencies of cultural, systematic and strategic communication and contributes to history as the acquisition.
- Positive interaction with the social environment at different levels.
- The realization of the mind and the adoption of critical thought.
- Awareness of the value-time in school and life.
- Respect the natural environment and positive interaction with popular culture and cultural heritage and cultural heritage of Morocco.
The reform aims to:
- The adoption of competency as an entry point to build a curriculum rather than content.
- The adoption of the principle of continuity and progression in skills.
- Development of post Almtmadrs positive in local affairs.
- To create a balance between knowledge and functional knowledge.
- Bypass the quantitative accumulation of information and invocation of the systematic dimension.
- Diversification of approaches in dealing with the material, whether thematic, problematic, chronological or otherwise.
In line with these assumptions been evoked a number of principles in building a platform of history, including:
- Function of history and critical thinking / invocation of the past to understand the present / configuration systematic.
- Starting from the elements of history as a subject in the development of skills and how to program explicit.
- Bearing in mind the complexity skills from simple to complex.
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  (18) - White Paper, the social studies curriculum material, p. 21
(19) - White Paper, the social studies curriculum material, p. 21
- Diversification of areas and periods, nationally and globally, with priority given to national history and contemporary history.
- Bearing in mind the historical extension of Morocco from the beginning to now.
* Reference teaching aids: to frame the head designed to make of history a functioning community and taking into account the general principles set forth in the document framework was necessary to evoke Disdaktic material which crystallizes renewal Alabstimologi who knows history as a carrier in its theme and its tools and concepts of structured, which calls for dealing with the knowledge of the realization of the mind and the crowd the ability to control the mechanisms of thinking the historical and certainly on the path to the production of historical knowledge than on its product for the sake of the independence of the learner by making it acquire the methodological tools of accountability of history thinking critically Istdmj its relativity and know what it means and includes the weight of historical inter vocabulary becomes eligible for repositioning in the past which is still present around us. In the area we live in .
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