The problem really a problem, although the limits of the complaint which does not exceed the boundaries of three words (my husband does not pray) standing with two attempts, but has advised me to ask him not to open the subject in any way, the anger and vowed to try. What do I do and I have four children from him and fifth road?
A: The praying is careless and Tkasla major kufr to say the most correct scholarly view, because it was proven Jabir may Allah be pleased with him that the Prophet peace be upon him said: (between a man and kufr and shirk praying) Narrated by Muslim, but Buraydah may Allah be pleased with him for Prophet peace be upon him said: (the covenant between us and them is prayer Kafr) Narrated by al-Sunan attribution
True, it is not permissible for you to stay with him because the infidel is not permissible for a Muslim woman to stay with him for Allah says: (Almtamohen the believers not back to infidels are not solving them, nor are the disbelievers lawful for them) Mumtahinah, verse: 10 .. You may not allow him to yourself because the marriage contract between you Mnevskh until he repents and returns to Islam, then stay married.
The woman said: I do not have to spend on my children but my husband who does not pray, what do I do? We said to her, may not stay with this man if you doing as you said, the boys and the husband is obliged to spend on them after the divorce and before .. As you orbit the words of Allaah (interpretation of God makes a way for him and him from every difficulty) divorce, the verses: 2.3 and the words of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him "to leave something for the sake of Allaah," We ask God to him and all Muslims guided and enabled to repent sincerely.