Objectives of physical education.. the development of the body and the emotional maturity to help

Objectives of physical education:

1- "Development of the body and guide its growth toward the collection of health and strength will become more resistant to disease, injury and prophylaxis of impairment, from Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah -r - «A strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer and in all the best be sure of what will benefit you and seek the help of God does not fail If anything befalls you, do not say if I had done such and such. But say, God forbid, and willing to do it if you open the work of Satan».
The mathematical method develops the muscles and increases the resistance.

2- help to emotional maturity, athletic Education is learning patience and emotional control and emotions.

3- help the development of intellectual functions, attention given to the body and improve the health and growth; helps to stimulate the thought process because of the close relationship between the body and intellectual activity.

4- contribute to improving social adjustment through the development of adaptive social customs, such as dealing with others and acceptance of friends or foes were, as during the growing habits of the mass games and qualifications.

5- Educational achievement congenital Valtdrb on fatigue, and accept the success or failure in games develops patience, courage and skill exercises develop courage, determination and team sports foster a spirit of cooperation and honesty.

6- help Tgmad emotions, motivations, and treatment of some problems arising and that directs it towards the sport, the concern for indecent acts.

7- develop the needs of children of the movement, play and activity. "

8- and other goals.

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