Of human brotherhood in God

And the rights of this brotherhood as follows:
1 - Consolation money ([1] ) Vyuasi each brother with his money that he needs it, so be Danarhma Drhmanma and one of no difference between them which, as it was narrated from Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him as a man came to him and said: I want to Oaakhik in God, he said: Do you know what the right fraternity? He said he introduced me, he said: «not be more right and Bidinark Darhamk me» he said, did not report this status yet, he said, go me.
2 - to be both helpful to the owner and by relieving himself on the same conditions as inspecting inspecting the same conditions, and offers them the Himself, his family and his children, and asks him after every three, the patient was a habit, and thathelped him was busy, but said he forgot welcome if born, and expands it if it sat down, and listen to it if it occurs. 
3 - to stop his tongue, except for good, there is very little drawback of in his absence or his presence and explores the secrets, does not attempt to look to the crypt itself and if you saw him on his way to the needs of the needs of the same is not Avatha mentioned, does not attempt to identify the source or supplier, be kind in his kindly, or prohibitions of vice, not to speak Emarih and prerogatives to the right or wrong, not in something Aatbh Aattab not in another.
4 - to give him from his tongue what he loves him, make him love the names to him and reminded him well for the backbiting and the audience, informing him praise people it, the appearance of awelcomed this, and joy of it, not voyager advised him Fiklgah, and advises him in front of people Vivdha, as Imam Shafei Almighty God's mercy: the preaching of the mystery of his brother advised him and adorns it, and preaching publicly expose the NH of Osh.
5 - pardon when he slipped up, Wet N Ady for Hvoa T e, Leicester flaws, and improve its and his mistreatment, and committed the sin, the mystery of a publicly and do not interrupt love him, but does not forget his brothers, but waiting for his repentance and Opth, is a grate he Srema and pieces, or to maintain the brothers with the provision of advice, counsel and continue to hope that God should repent repent it.
Abu Darda said, may Allah be pleased with him: «If you change your brother, and asked if he had not left him for that, the brother perverteth the judgment-time correct again».
6 - to meet him in the brotherhood abide by and perpetuates the past, because the frustrating parts of the reward even if he dies the transfer of affection to his children, and followers of his friends, aprovince on the Juh and loyalty to its owner, the Messenger of Allah Akram r The old man entered upon him, told him that, he said: «It comes days were Khadija, and generosity of the reign of religion» ([2] ).
It is meet that the enemy does not endorse his friend, who said Shafie Almighty God's mercy: If your enemy is your friend obeyed, except in the end, they and Tech.
7 - that does not cost him what is difficult for him, and not to let what he does not feel comfortable with him not trying to draw him something of a prestige or money, or he has to do the work, as the brothers were out to God should not be turned to bring the benefits of the other world, and apayment of the injured, and also does not cost him does not make it cost him a LLC in breach of both the influential brotherhood Menks reward of what is intended, he should turn the table with him and committed to affectation and reservation, because by y e contrary to the solitude you get familiar.
It says in effect: «I am devoutly my innocent of Baroque», said some of the righteous: the landed cost, as long as written by, and eased Maonth long as they love him, and any fall of the cost of the positive E for Anas, and gilded the loneliness that do brother in the house of his brother's four characteristics: the eat in his house and enters the toilet with him, and pray and sleep with him, If he does this have The fraternity, rose modestly, be deemed to be loneliness, and found company, make sure extraversion.
8 - to invite him and his children, and by the fine reason for himself and his children is related to it, with no difference between one and the other by virtue of brothers that brought them should ask a neighborhood of the dead of the present A and absent the said peace be upon him: « If a man calls his brother in the back of the unseen King said: You like that »([3] ) And said one of the righteous: a yen, such as the good brother? The people died when a man divided his inheritance and what are behind, and brother, good grief is unique, interested in what his brother gave him, and it became, by p and has in the darkness of the night, and ask forgiveness for him as he was buried under the dishes, and the God of strength.
([1] ) Assistance and assistance.
([2] ) Narrated by the ruling and correct it.
([3] ) Narrated by Muslim.
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