Open the door to run for migrant World Award

The General Secretariat of the World Award immigrant thought and literature and the arts in Australia to open the door to run for a prize for the 2011 season and up until the die, the current month of July.

The "Award immigrant world of thought, literature and the arts" is an award "independent and neutral is given annually for creative writers, researchers and artists to honor their contributions in the areas of writing, research, publishing, creativity and cross-fertilization of civilizations and cultures on a global scale." 

And established and supervised by the newspaper (immigrant) World city of Melbourne and published by the "immigrant cultural organization." And the award of interest to the branches of poetry, short stories, scientific research, journalism, the young author, and the arts.

And the leading exporter must be sent a manuscript of the candidate in the branches of the award in Arabic, French or Spanish or English to address the General Secretariat of the Award, provided that the work is not the candidate has already been published or Schork in any of the prizes the same, accompanied by biographical comprehensive participant's personal data and the extent of his contributions to the intellectual and cultural and civilizational. 

The competitor participates Bmentoj manuscript of at least 65 pages in any of the branches of the award, except in the branch of the arts, material conditions shall be met is specific to the field in which the participant, a videotape. 

The awards will be announced on the pages of the newspaper "Almhagralaalmih," during the month of August to be sent Shield is the prize and certificate winners through the embassies of countries, Australia or Morocco.

Posts are sent to the e-mail "immigrant Jamaal 65 @. Com" or to the normal mailing address of the Organization of the immigrant.
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