The phenomenon of envy and treatment through the notice of the child with love and justice among boys

Envy is the wish for the demise of grace for others, a serious social phenomenon, if not addressed by educators in their children will inevitably lead to worse results, and the most serious effects ..
May not be the phenomenon of envy and clear at first sight for the people, Faznon that their children are not expected to envy, and do not feel it, do not fall when .. so shall all of the responsibility for education to address the envy of wisdom and education orthodoxy, where does not lead to difficult problems, and the results severe, painful and psychological complications.
Before I touch upon the prevention and treatment in the eradication of this phenomenon is better to touch upon the reasons that fuel the fire of jealousy and envy in the hearts of children.
I think that these reasons are concentrated in the following:
A child's fears to lose some of the privileges of his family Kalmahbh and kindness, and being a person what is meant, especially when the place of a new born baby Cisahmh imagine that in this love and affection.
Comparison between the bad boys such as describing someone as intelligent, and the other Balgpauh ..
Attention to one of the boys without the other, a boy and joking and carrying a given .. and another Azger and neglected and deprived ...
Aligdhae and tolerance Born loved hurts and harms, surveillance and punishment of another boy made ​​him the lowest abuse.
The presence of a child in an environment which is rich in luxurious in extreme poverty, and the state of living is bad.
To other causes that lead to the worst effects in the child's personality and may become the scourge of the inferiority complex, or selfish killer, or social hatred .. except for his psychological complications such as anxiety, rebellion, lack of self-confidence ..
And Islam has addressed the phenomenon of envy to the principles of educational wise if educators take their causes to today's kids grew up on Altoadd and altruism, love and serenity .. and Odmarwa all cooperation, and the best, and compassion for others ..
I believe that these educational principles for the treatment of the phenomenon of envy is embodied in the following matters:
1 - notice the child with love:
This is what it was doing the prayer and peace, and ordered by his companions, and he urged them and monitor its execution here and there.
Here are some examples:
Abd-Allah ibn Buraydah his father said was a prophet - e - Preaching came Hassan and Hussein - God bless them - and them wearing two chemises wearing two red Aosran which came down the Prophet - e - Cut off his Vhmlhma then returned to the pulpit and said, «truth of God (but your wealth and your children to temptation) I saw these two in Aosran Qmasehma patient did not even cut my words Vhmmelthma». [1]
Jabir may Allah be pleased with him, he said: I entered upon the Prophet e He walked four on his back and Hassan and Hussein, may Allah be pleased with them, he says: "Yes Jofma sentences, and yes Aladlan ye." [2]
And Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her: A Bedouin came to the Prophet e He said: Otqublon children in.? So accept them, said the Prophet e "I own you, or that the removal of God from your heart of mercy?" [3]
And Sasap with Ahnaf said Aisha entered the woman with her ​​two daughters have three dates Voattha She gave each of them a date and then disrupted the remaining two. She came to the Prophet - e - Vhaddtth said, «What has eyebrows entered by Paradise». [4]
Anas ibn Maalik, may Allah be pleased with him, he said: A woman came to Aisha, may Allah be asked along with the boys, Voattha three dates, She gave each boy Tamra Tamra, and I grabbed for itself a date, he ate boys Altmrtin, reneged to date in, Vhqtha halves She gave each boy a half a date, came the Prophet e , I told him, he said: What you like them? God rest her soul has Brahmtha Sbhe " [5]
It should be kept in mind that taking the necessary precautions to prevent the intensification of envy when a new baby by the most important thing that should be cared for educators, especially the mother.
These precautions should begin several months before the birth of the child such as changing bed larger, or send them to kindergarten .. There is nothing wrong to allow Big Brother to assist in the affairs of the new baby to wear when, or washed, or feed him, there is nothing wrong as well as allowing him to caress or playing with his brother small but with a bit of control for fear of harm, and when you carry a newborn mother to breastfeed, it is better to be intimate father of his older brother, and Ahadth Alatefh and to make him feel love and affection and attention ..
What is meant by general notice on the older brother that he loved, and that meant, and that the place of compassion and care for newborn Kokhih alike.
This was brought to the greatest teacher e In conversations that mention over and above population ..
Not Velinahj educators how the Messenger of Allah e In the notice of the child with love if they want to configure the personalities of their children to love, cooperation and altruism, and to free them from hatred and selfishness, and selfishness.
2 - achieving justice for children:
It is known a priori that the educators while to sort out between the boys in treatment, and achieve justice, including in the tender fading phenomenon of envy in them, and go away pests of grudges and hatred from their hearts, but lives of children with their brothers and Mrbém in full understanding, and love mutually, but fly on the house suites affection, and sincerity, and serenity ...
Is not surprising to see the teacher first, and largest breeder e , Which urges parents and educators to achieve the principle of justice between the brothers, but it was peace and blessings of denouncing the denial of all those who do not achieve the just and mercy among the children, and to sort them in the division and tender!! ..
Here are a party of guidance and Astncarath, to know who wants to know the Prophet was keen eOrthodoxy on education, and social reform!! ..
Already mentioned in the treatment of the phenomenon of self-esteem in children of these conversations, refer to it if you wish.
[1] - Women's Sunan - Thesaurus - (1424) correctly
[2] - The great dictionary of Tiberias - (3 / 87) (2595) Poor
[3] - Literature of the single-Bukhari (90) is true
[4] - Sunan Ibn Majah - Thesaurus - (3799) is correct - split: split
[5] - Mustadrak for Governor (7349) correctly
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