The phenomenon of fear and treatment .. Between protecting the child from the dangers and causing anxiety

The phenomenon of psychological state of fear Taatari young and old, male and female .. This may be undesirable phenomenon that was within the normal limits in children, because they are a means to protect the child from accidents, and avoided many of the dangers ..
But if fear has increased from the usual limit, exceeding the limits of nature .. it is causing concern in children psychologically, Fndh is a psychological problem must be addressed and considered.
Specialists say the knowledge of child psychology: (The child in the first year may show signs of fear when a sudden noise or the fall of something suddenly or something like that .. and afraid of the child from those strangers from the sixth month ago, and the child in his third year it is afraid of things Many of the animals, cars, cliffs, water and the like this ..
In general, females are more a manifestation of fear of the male, as different intensity depending on the severity of the child to imagine, the more the more imaginative, more fear) [1]
And increased fear in children factors and causes, we recall the most important:
• intimidate her baby, the dark or ghosts or aliens.
• Dalal mother's excessive, and excessive concern and great feel on.
• raise the child on the isolation and introversion and the shelter walls of the house.
• narrative fiction that relate to the jinn and demons.
... To the other of these factors and causes.
To treat this phenomenon in children must take into account the following:
1 - the upbringing of a child from an early age to believe in God, and worship him, and the delivery of janaabah in all that acting and terrorize .. There is no doubt that the child was raised to these meanings of faith, due to the physical acts of worship and spiritual .. it does not fear when tested, nor Ehla if wounded .. and this guided the Qur'an when he said: Verily, man is created Hluaa (19) If Dzuaa touch of evil (20) and if good touch diverse (21) only worshipers (22) who are permanent links (23)  [Ma'arij: 19-23}.
The man was created in irritable and sensitive, it is very alarming, if you touch it hated it, many of prevention, if it took him a blessing. And then interpreted the meaning of this verse and then the meaning of words (Hluaa), he said that if a touch of evil and harm are taken over by grief, and ripping his heart from the intensity of terror, and he gave that up to him is better then never. and if you get a blessing from God scrimp by on the other, and to prevent the truth of God in it. does not exclude God from the attributes of human reprehensible, which is the panic alarm and prevention, but believers who guided them Good God, they worshiped.
Who continued to perform prayers on time, do not distract them by the incumbent, in this reference to a preferred maintenance of worship. And who make their money in the share spent on a certain closeness to God, and sought to please Him. They spend on those needs and ask them who are desperate for help.
And those who believe in the Day of resurrection and the account are engaged to him and show the effects of that in their actions and their words and actions. And who are afraid and Jelloun from leaving the assumptions and duties, and commit taboos, so that is the cause of their eagerness to perform more acts of worship. Nor should any sane person can feel safe from the torment of God, but increased in acts of worship, not only a Aomenh safely from God. [2]
2 - give him the freedom to act, and take responsibility, exercise matters as growth, and stages of development, narrated Abdullah bin Salim from his father, he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah eSays: you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock: Imam is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock, and the man is the shepherd of his family and is responsible for his family, and the woman is the shepherd of her husband's house and responsible for her flock, and the server is the shepherd of master's wealth and is responsible for his flock, and you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock. [3]
3 - not to frighten the child - especially when crying - Balgol, hyena, and the thief, and Genie and Elf .. the boy is free of the specter of fear and created the courage and bravery .. It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah e : «A strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer and in all the best be sure of what will benefit you and seek the help of God does not fail If anything befalls you, do not say if I had done such and such. But say, God forbid, and willing to do it if you open the work of Satan». [4]
4 - to enable the child since it conceivable Mixed operation with others, and allow him to meet them and identify them, to feel the child from his mind and conscience that replaced the kindness and love and respect with each of the meet with him and recognize him, narrated that Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet e He said: "The believer hangout, and the best one who does not familiar with, and compose" [5]
It is recommended by psychologists and education: (There is nothing wrong to make the child more, knew the thing that scared him, if he is afraid of darkness there is nothing wrong that Ndaabh turn off the light and then ignited, though afraid of the water there is nothing wrong that we allow him to play a little water in a small bowl or what similar, though afraid of the electrical machine, electric Kmcnsh example there is nothing wrong that give out their parts to play and then allow it to play out in full, and so on ...) [6]
5 - Maghazi teach them a Messenger of God e , And the positions of the heroic advances, and disciplining the embryogenesis of the morals of the great commanders and conquerors, companions and followers to .. Attabawa the courage high, and rare event, the love of jihad, and make the word of God.
  These are the directions from the Messenger of Allah e , And his companions after him .. but conclusive proof of the interest of Islam, raising children the courage, and urged them to embark .. to be in the future, the rising generation of Islam, said in a tribute to Islam lofty pride and raise Manar Islamic worlds ..
On this occasion, we excerpt from the biography of the sons of noble Companions positions Khaleda was heroic in history said, and in the generations is still a role model .. proverbial their news, their careers and the pride of generations, and attitudes of Marvel history:
For Saleh bin Ibrahim bin Abdul Rahman bin Auf, his grandfather said, Whilst I was standing in the class the day of Badr I looked at my right hand and northern If I Bglamin of supporters modern Osinanhma, I hoped to be between the ribs of them, Vgmseny one said, 'O uncle, do you know Abu Jahl I said yes, what you need it, O son of my brother said that he told insult the Messenger of Allah - e -, And my hand while I saw him not die Sawadi Soadeh until he dies Alojl us. Vtjpt Therefore, Vgmseny the other said to me, like, did not Oncb considered the father of ignorance roaming in people, I said, not that this Sahpkma which Saltmany. Fabtdrah Bsevehma Vdharbah until its dead, then Anasrva to the Messenger of Allah - e - Vokhbrah said «Oakma killed». Said each and every one of them I killed him. Said, «Do Msanma Sevikma». They do not. He looked at the swords, he said «you both killed». Usurp the Maaz bin Amr bin excessiveness. And they forbid I Afrah and Maaz bin Amr bin excessiveness [7] .
And popular, that a woman pushed to her son on a sword, not Atq him Vhdth to help him Pencah, then came to the Prophet (PBUH) said: O Messenger of Allah, this is my son is fighting for you, said the Prophet, peace be upon him: "son, I carry here, I carry any built here, "Surgery canisters hit him, came to the Prophet Vsra e He said: That is, perhaps you dismayed? He said: O Messenger of God " [8]
And Saad bin Amer, his father said: "I saw my brother Amir Bin Abi Waqas expose us before the Messenger of Allah e To get to the Badr melt, I told you what my brother? He said: I am afraid to see me the Messenger of Allah e Vistsgarni Verdna, and I love going out, may Allah bless me with the certificate, he said, introduced to the Messenger of Allah e Fastsgrh said: "See," cried Amir and allowed the Messenger of Allah e . Sa'd said: I was the most complex clans him his sword of a child, were killed at Badr, the son of sixteen years. Kill Amr bin Abd al-Wad " [9]
And Saad bin Amer, his father said: "Show the Messenger of Allah e Army individual Amir Badr bin Abi Waqas wept Amir and allowed the Messenger of Allah e , And his sword held by the clans " [10]
Is taken from these historical examples, etc. .. that the children of the Companions, God bless them, were of great courage high, and the championship rare, and Jihad bold .. and that was only thanks to the education orthodoxy, which they received from a school of prophecy, and the Muslim household, community believer struggling brave! ! ..
Thus, parents raise their children from childhood to chivalry, courage and chivalry and bravery and the storming of the dangers and hardships .. even if you reached the age of the movement and the starting - and they did not Anahezwa dream after - went in procession, Liberation, Jihad, and seeking the living advocates honest, heroes, volunteers, and students to gain working!! ..
We recall, for example, stand a noble of Ghulam believer asks his father that he can to roam walks the land and seek the place it may be that opens the same way the glory, and up to the summit of happiness and dignity .. but he was addressing his father verses of poetry full of pride and nose and fathers!! ..
Throw the saddle on the pain and cat Crdoh Algama
Then pouring shield in OL C and handed me Al_husama
When I ask if I did not ask a living boy
Earth e Sajob My purpose is not halal haram
Perhaps travel. Denies or one thousandth decided Widney Alhamama
This generation grew up on these unique qualities, and traditionally this Makarem ..
Because they were brought from the earliest age at archery, swimming, horse riding ..
Because they did not grow up on the auctioneer excessive, lethal and introverted.
Because they feel their responsibilities, and trust themselves ..
Because they are accustomed to Alakhchihan, games and equestrian, riding aboard a travel ..
Because they are disciplined to Ikhataiwa who was at the age of their cousins ​​and the clan.
Shall they learn because they were brave and heroic biography, news and conquerors Pimp ..
To the other such that Redauha Makarem, education orthodoxy, which Tlguenoha!! ..
Is the linear grow only the glue and implanted only in the palm Mnaptha
On walks parents and educators on this approach the great forefathers walked upon the brave and glory ..
And on our children grow up on these qualities, and hips Makarem ..
On taking the rules of proper education in the liberation of children from fear and cowardice and the Creek ..
On doing all of this, turn generation of anxiety at that time to trust, from fear to courage, and determination to the creek, and subservience and humiliation to the fact of pride and dignity ..
Mthakqa and be Blessed and Almighty said: {Glory be to God, His Prophet and the believers, but the hypocrites know not (8) Al hypocrites.
[1] - From the Book of behavioral problems in children of Dr. Nabih Ghubra p. 150.
[2] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 5272)
[3] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (10/342) (4490) correctly
[4] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (6945)
[5] - Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal (9032) correctly
[6] - Book of the problems ... P. 152 of Dr. Nabih Ghubra.
[7] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (3141)
[8] - Uncategorized Ibn Abi Shaybah (36 121) is true sender
[9] - The major classes of Ibn Saad (3005) Poor
[10] - Mustadrak to correct the governor (4852) correctly
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