The phenomenon of shame and treatment .. The impact of environment on the rise of shame or modify

It is known that the phenomenon of shame from the nature of children (and perhaps the first Omarath start at the age of four months, and the year after Kamal shyness becomes evident in the child, as it runs and closes his eyes or his face or the palms of the hands covering his face that spoke of a stranger to him) [1]
(In the third year the child feels ashamed when he goes to a strange house, he had sat quietly in the lap of his mother or her side the whole time not saying a word) [2]
And genetics play a role in the severity of shyness in children, does not deny that the environment of a major impact on the increase of shame or amended, the children who come into contact with others, and meet with them they are less shy than children who do not come into contact with do not meet!! ..
Treatment is not only to return the children to meet people .. whether to bring friends to the house to them permanently, or for their parents accompany them to visit friends and relatives, or gently ask them to talk in front of others, whether the speaker was them young or old!! ..
This Habituation - no doubt - weaken the phenomenon of shame in them, and give them confidence in themselves, and are driven to always speak the right not to fear to anybody as long.
These are some examples of historical and prophetic give educators all the good example of advances in the education of their children to good courage, and to address the phenomenon of shame in them:
Abdullah ibn Dinar that he heard Ibn 'Umar said: The Messenger of Allahe : The tree from the trees and the leaves do not fall and it's like a Muslim, Vhaddthona What is it? People fell in the trees of the countryside. Abdullah said: it took place in my Palm, Fasthieddit, and then said: Tell us what O Messenger of God? He said, is the Palm, I mentioned that to Umar, he said: be because I said, is the Palm, dearer to me than such and such. [3]
Mujahid and Ibn 'Umar said, associated to the city did not happen I hear from the Messenger of Allah - e - Only recently, and one said we were with the Prophet - e - He said he came Bjmar «The tree of trees, like the Muslim». I wanted to say that Palm is, if I am the youngest people remained silent, he said, the Prophet - e - «Is the Palm». [4]
And Abdullah bin Umar that the Messenger of Allah - e - Said «that from the trees a tree does not fall and the leaves, which is like a Muslim, Haddthony What is». He signed the people in the trees of the desert, and occurred at myself as the Palm. Abdullah said Fasthieddit. They said, 'O Messenger of Allah, tell us by. The Messenger of Allah - e - «Is the Palm».
Abdullah said Vhaddtt father what happened and said to myself, because I like to be I said that I should have such and such. [5]
And Sahl ibn Saad Al-Saedi - y - That the Messenger of Allah - e - Came to drink, drank it and on his right and his left Aceach Ghulam, said the boy «Will you allow me to give them». He said the boy does not Allaah, O Messenger of God is not someone you rather consult my share. Twist said the Messenger of Allah - e - In his hand [6] .
Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him: 'Umar used someday with Oceach Badr, said some of them did not enter this boy with us, and we have people like him and he said that he who has you know. He called them one day, and invited me with them, he said and what his vision invited me that day only to show them me and said what you say (If the victory of God, open, and I saw people enter) to seal Sura, said some of them commanded us to praise God and forgiveness, if our victory and open to us. Some of them said we do not know. or did not tell them anything. He said to me, O son of Abbas Okmak say I said no. He said what says it is said to the Messenger of Allah e I know God has (if the victory of God and the conquest) the conquest of Mecca, this is something you mark (then glorify your Lord's praise and ask His forgiveness He is the Ever) Omar said what I know of them only what you know. [7]
And Obaid Bin nostalgia, that he heard Abdullah bin Abbas, the happening, said: I stayed a year and I want to ask Umar ibn al-Khattab for a verse, I can not ask him prestige for him, until he came out pilgrims, so I went out with him, and when he returned, we were some way justice to arak in need, I stood him up finishes, and then walked with him, I said, 'O Commander of the Faithful, which Tazahrta of the Messenger of Allah e Of his wives? He said that Hafsa, Aisha, and I said to him: and the God that I would want to ask you about this a year ago, what I can prestige you, he said: Do not do what I thought that I have to know, Vslani, the you I know I told you, he said: Umar said: By God, We were in ignorance as we prepare for the women is even revealed God in them is revealed, and a section for them what department said, and spoke to I was Otamrh, she told me my wife: if you made ​​such and such, and I said to her, and the owner of you and what is here? And cost you in the order I want? And she said: I'm impressed with you, the letter what you want to drop you, and your daughter to the decline in the Messenger of Allah e , Day to remain angry, Umar said: I took my robe, then remove my shoes, so enter the Hafsa, I said to her: O thou Trajaan the Messenger of Allah e , To remain his day angry? Hafsa said: By Allah, It Nradjanh I said, you know, I warn you of the death of God, the wrath of His Messenger, my intention is not Tgrenk these groups were impressed by the beauty, the love of the Messenger of Allah e Them, and then came up to enter a kinship with my own mother gave it to them, Vklmtha, Umm Salamah said to me: It is strange to you, Ibn Khattab was involved in everything, even, seeking to be inserted between the Messenger of Allah e , And between his wives, Vokhztna and is taking, Vksrtina for some of what I was, I had the owner of supporters if tobacco I came to the news, and if missed you I'm coming to the news, and we are then afraid of the kings of Ghassan told us that he wanted to go to us, it was filled with hearts him, rummaging in my friend Al Ansari, Vdq the door, he said: Open the Open, I said, came Ghassani, said most of it: to isolate the Messenger of Allah e His wives, I said: in spite of Hafsa, Aisha, and then took my dress taken out, so I came, it was the Messenger of God e Imbued in him live up to a wheel, and the boy to the Messenger of Allah e Black on top of class, I said, this age, he gave me permission Umar said: the Messenger of Allah Vqsst e Talk, and when I reached the hadeeth of Umm Salamah, the Messenger of Allah smiled e , And it is on the mat with him and the thing under his head and stuffed a pillow from Adam Lev, and at his feet Qrza dyed, and when his head hanging Ohba, and I saw the impact of mats in the side of the Messenger of Allah e , I cried and said: "What makes you cry?" I said: O Messenger of God, that Chosroes and Caesar are in it, and you are the Messenger of Allah e He said: "As to agree to have a world and for us hereafter?"[8]
As the leading succession to Omar bin Abdul Aziz, divorced by delegations, if including the delegation of the Hijaz, he looked to the boy, young, and wants to speak, he said: to speak of the teeth from you, it is more entitled to speak to you, said the boy: 'O Commander of the Faithful if to say, as says he was in your council this is the right to do it from you, he said, ratified, talk, and he said: 'O Commander of the Faithful, I we you from the country of praise of God, who of us you, what we have provided you desire of us do not awe you, but you do not want, the safer in your homes, and the lack of awe, the safer Geork Your righteousness, we delegation thanks and peace. said to him, 'Umar: Azna O boy. He said,' O Commander of the Faithful that people Gorham dream of God and praise people for them, do not be those tempted by the dream of God and praise people do that, Wiczl your foot and be who God said to them: {And be not like those who say they have heard do not listen! (21) Al-Anfal. He looked at the age of age of the boy if his twelve years, Voncdhm Omar may Allah be pleased with him:
Learning is no one is born a scientist, not the brother of someone who is ignorant of science
The big people are not aware of him if he turned it small legions
The small people if he knew that if he had received a large forums [9]
Days and entered the safe house of the Bureau, he saw a beautiful boy on the ear, pen, he said: Who are you, boy? He said: I created in your country, and volatile in grace, and hoped to serve you, Hassan bin Raja; said safe: charity in the intuition Tfadilt minds, raise this boy over the rank [10] .
And is narrated that a desert Qahtt in the days of Hisham, introduced by the Arabs, Vhabera that Ichaelmoh, and those Mastiff ibn Habib, the son of sixteen years, his coma, and it Hmmeltan, fell upon eye Hisham, he said to the eyebrow: What will a to enter the only income Even boys, leaped Mastiff even stop his hands bowed and said: Commander of the Faithful that the words published and herewith, and he did not know what in the herewith only published, the authorized me faithful to publish it published, likes, his words, and said to him, start with God gendarmerie, said: O Commander of the believers that we were years three years melted fat and the year I ate meat, and the year sounded the bone, and in your hands the curiosity of money, it was God Vvrkoha the slaves, but to them, why does Thpsonha them, but you, Vtsedkoa by them, God will reward Almtsedkin , said Hisham: the boy is left to us in one of the three Sorry, ordered to the Valley of a hundred thousand dinars, with a hundred thousand dirhams, and then said to him: Do you have a need? He said: What do I need for myself in private, without public-Muslims, which went out of his own for the people. [11]
Is taken from these examples we have listed the children of the predecessor were brought up to the full emancipation of the phenomenon of shame, and signs of deflation and introverted, due to familiarize them with the courage, and accompany the parents to sit on public boards, and visit friends, and thus encourage them to talk to adults, then push with Gumption and the eloquence of them to address the caliphs and princes, and then consulted in public issues, and scientific issues in a complex of intellectuals and scientists.
All of this, which develops in boys daring literary and instills in them the noblest meaning of understanding and awareness of, and calls upon them to Atdrjoa runways in perfect formation and personal, intellectual and social maturity ..
What the educators today - especially parents - only to take the rules of this education utopia even arise boys to complete openness and courage full within the bounds of good manners, respect, and taking into account the feelings of others, and take down people's homes .. and only the daring will revert to the insolence, and openness to the lack of literature with others .
We have to distinguish between shyness and shame of the difference between them is clear:
Valkhgel - and over - is a contraction of the child and Antoaah Tgaver and for meeting others. The modesty is a virtue, the commitment of a child approaches and ethics of Islam.
It is not shame in anything that we return the child from its inception, modesty of the commission of evil, and commit sin.
It is no shame in something when we return the boy to the great reverence, turning a blind eye to taboos, and keeping the ear that hijacks the secret, or discover Bia.
It is no shame in anything, while disliked visit him on the tongue that the fighting in the void, and to wean the abdomen taking the taboo, and the time spent in obedience to God, and in order to please Him!! ..
This meaning of modesty is recommended by the Messenger of Allah e It was narrated that Abu Ubaida bin Abdullah bin Masood, from his father, may Allah be pleased with him, said: The Messenger of Allah e : Asthioa from God the right to assault, they said: O Messenger of Allah, I am Nsthieddi Thankfully, he said: from Asthia from God the right to modesty bless the head and the awareness of, and abdomen, and encompassed, and mentions of death and calamity, and desires the Hereafter leave Accessories minimum, it does that has Asthia from God the right to modesty "[12]
And Sahl ibn Sa'd that the Messenger of Allah e He said: "Oh God, not Adrickna time, or do not you know it does not follow the Zmana Alim, not ashamed of it Halim, hearts, hearts of the Persians, Sunni Arabs and their tongues" [13]
Anas said: The Messenger of Allah e : The ethics of each religion, Islam and the creation of modesty. [14]
[1] - From the Book of behavioral problems in children of Dr. Nabih Ghubra p. 153.
[2] - From the Book of behavioral problems in children of Dr. Nabih Ghubra p. 153.
[3] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (61) and Saheeh Muslim - Thesaurus - (7276) and Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (1 / 481) (246)
[4] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (72)
[5] -   Saheeh Bukhari - Thesaurus - (131) and Saheeh Muslim - Thesaurus - (7280)
[6] -   Saheeh Bukhari - Thesaurus - (2451) and Saheeh Muslim - Thesaurus - (5412) - a hill: it paid
[7] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (4294)
[8] - Extract Abu Awana (3709) correctly
[9] - Images of a test scientists indexer - (1 / 7), and in every art Almstparty Mstzerv - (1 / 45)
[10] - Unique contract - (1 / 132)
[11] - Almstparty in every art Mstzerv - (1 / 46)
[12] - Little Dictionary of Tiberias - (1 / 298) (494) good for others
[13] - Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal (22 369) Upgrade
[14] - Sunan Ibn Majah - i - message - (5 / 276) (4181) Upgrade to the other
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