Physical disabilities for children and the incidence of psychological contract

The factor of physical disabilities is also a big factor in the deviation of child psychotherapy, often interpreted as a sense of inferiority, and the view to malevolent life ..
Valold while injured - since childhood - handicapped Kalaour, or deafness, Oalath, or stuttering and lack of speech .. it should be the people who live around him a father, mother and brothers and relatives and neighbors, friends and family .. all the care and kindness and love, and ethics tolerant satisfactory, and sympathy Hassan Jamil .. To 'Abd-Allaah ibn' Amr reported by the Prophet e:
Alrahmon gracious mercy, mercy mercy in the earth from the sky. [1]
  Abu Hurayrah, the Messenger of Allah e , Said: Complete the believers in faith is best in attitude. [2]
But when addressing patient disability Awar O-eyed, and my deaf deafness disability, disability and dementia, O Ojdb, disability and lack of speech you dumb ..
It is obvious that the boy has generated distinctive vehicles conscious feeling of inferiority and pests psychological contract .. no wonder that we see in a deplorable state of mental conflict, hatred and social, and pessimistic view of life ..
This must be the educators to address the problem of their children's disabilities style-wise, and good education, and humane treatment, and full control .. on the basis that the value of rights in religion and morals, not in form and appearance ..
The first steps of this treatment to consider them a look of love and mercy, and Ikhsoum diligence and care, and Aharōhm they Distinguished from other intelligence and talent, knowledge and experience, activity and vitality .. This view them and notice them removes in them the scourge of inferiority, but rush Bclethm - with all the the trust and confidence - some constructive work, and fruitful production.
And second steps of this process that the educators duty to advise and warn everyone who has been on the injured from the mixtures, whether they are relatives or Obaeid, as warn them against degradation and humiliation, and the results of scorn and derision, and its impact is bad in them, and the consequent complications painful in the depths of emotions and feelings ..
And breeders when they pay and advised, to indicate for each of the tracing approach to meet the breeder first prayers of Allah be upon him in his call to the major social unit is a solid monolithic pillars on the purity and love, and concentrated founded on reverence and respect ..
This approach bases upon him and peace in his warnings of what affects the human dignity, personal and destroy Muslim unity and tearing the social compact ..
It is his warnings peace and blessings of tongue lesions as saying in the report narrated by al-Bukhaari from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet - e - Said «that person to speak a word that does not deliver, God bless her not to, God raises by degrees, and the person to speak a word that angers God does not cast her not loving them in hell» [3] . .
And Waathilah bin Asqa, said: The Messenger of Allah e : Do not appear to gloat over your brother, God and Farahmh Abtelic. [4] .
  Aisha said and I said to the Prophet - e - Is sufficient descriptive of such and such an outstanding deal, said a short time. Said, «I said the word if mixed with sea water to Mzjtah». She and I told him a man said, «I am what I like a man and I told Lee so and so». [5]
The fall of these warnings are all in the words of the Blessed and Almighty: {O you who believe, do not mock the people of the nation may be that they are good are not women from the women may be that was good of them not Telmzoa yourselves, do not the former. Trophies evil name debauchery after faith and does not repent, such are wrong-doers } (11) Al rooms
Finished God believers ridicule of their fellow believers, and mocking them, and disdain for their business, it may be derided by Akram at the God of sarcasm from him and despised him, Fazlm the same contempt of and Nagorno God. It also forbade the meaning of the believing women that Askharen of their sisters believers, the be derided by Akram God than sarcastic ones. as God had commanded the believers not to backbite each other, and that is not wrong one another, and that does not challenge them in some. He says Lamaze human brother Kelmzh himself, and stabbed his brother stab at himself, because Muslims are one body complained that it joins the rest of his body, restlessness and fever. as the Messenger of Allah e . And ordered the believers that God does not call each other discountenance title or hated, if a Muslim says to his Muslim brother: O evildoer, or left or O, O enemy of Allah, or O hypocrite ...
And Bist capacity, and worst indeed is the name of the faithful to remind Balfssoq after entering in the faith. It does not repent of Nbzh brother insured title dislikes, and does not repent of Mazeh his brothers, and making fun of them .. they are the wrong-doers who have wronged themselves Voxboha God's punishment Basaanam him. [6]
And third steps of this treatment that prepares educators for their children with Rebekah of our companions in good literature, satisfactory habits .. where they gather them, and play with them, and share their talk of love between them .. to feel in the depths of their consciousness-loving people to them, and their interest in them and compassion and to them. Ibn Sina - in the presentation of the development of the child's personality, and the satisfaction of instinct in the meeting itself - "to be with the boy in his office boys, good literature, fulfilling their habits for the boy because the boy cannabis, which it is, and its Anas."
Which saved him after the progress that the teacher is not executed and the way in addressing the problem of physical disability in his son's injured, either concerning the look of love and compassion, or customize care and care, or warning the environment in which they live from the ridicule and contempt and humiliation, or set up companionship valid meet, and meet with it .. and this may be removed from the same inferiority complex, and prepares it to be a useful member of society, civilization builds Bsaeidih said, and pays tribute to the glory of his nation of its intention and the future of his country ..
[1] - Uncategorized Ibn Abi Shaybah - (8 / 338) (25 864) is true
[2] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (2 / 227) (479) is true
[3] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (6478)
[4] - Sunan al-Tirmidhi - Thesaurus - (2694) Upgrade
[5] - Sunan Abi Dawood - Thesaurus - (4877) correctly
[6] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 4502)
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