Physical education of the child and the manners of sleep to give the body greater comfort

Islam is called to comfort the body rest and sleep enough time, and after the effort and hard day.
And the benefits of sleep such as:
1) Sleep and birds of prey displays, which relieved them of fatigue.
2) digestion of food.
3) treatment of anxiety.
Sleep is one of the most important things in life, it is important to him, even grow, since growth hormone is not secreted until after almost five hours of uninterrupted sleep deep, has urged al-Islam at bedtime to sleep the individual on the right side, and modern science discovered the great importance of the body when you sleep on this side, Let us see to our children sleep on that side.
  We have to teach prayers from the Prophet - r - In the prescribed before going to sleep, was narrated from Abu Hurayra that the Messenger of Allah r said: If you harbor any one of you to bed, let him hold within his lower garment, Vlenevd the bed, and called of God, he does not know what is left of it after him on the bed, and if he wants to lie down should lie down on his right side, and say: Glory Lord, and your set my side, and your wear it, forgive myself that I grabbed her, and keep it sent as preserved by the righteous slaves. [1]
And on the Bara bin celibate Prophet said: - r - «If you go to bed, do wudoo 'for prayer, then lie down on your right side, then say God become Muslim, and my face to you, and authorized the warrants to you, and GATT my back to you, desire and awe you, not a shelter or mango you but you, when I reached the ejaculated, and I turn my face, which sent. it was from the night you're on instinct, and the last thing Adjahin speak of it ». Ferddtha said to the Prophet - r - When I reached «I reached the revealed». I said, and messenger. Said «No, the Prophet sent». [2]
We must rationalize our children to some important things:
1) to make himself a firm to go to sleep.
2) Do not eat or drink before bedtime, especially tea, and meat to lead to overeating [3] .
Demand VII: attention hygiene of children:
"Islam has me purity and cleanliness hygiene care because one of the very important elements in the composition of the health aspect, and makes a person free from communicable diseases, pollution and deadly epidemics.
He says: {And purify your garments (4) and shun Vahger (5)   [Amma: 4-5]}
Cleanse yourself of any guilt, and fix your business, and purifies the water that your clothes right out of the impurity. And leave the worship of idols, and GIVE sins that take you to the torment of the Fire in the Hereafter. [4]  
We must inculcate in our children's love of cleanliness and Nchaaram great importance. It was narrated from Sulaiman ibn Sa'd said: The Messenger of Allah r "Tnzvo" [5]
And Saleh Bin Hassan, said: I heard Sa'id ibn al-Musayyib, says: God is good like good, clean love cleanliness, Karim loves generosity, Jawad loves generosity, Venzvo Ffenakm and Sahatkm not resemble the Jews gathered Aloknav in the role, said Khalid: I mentioned that to an immigrant Ben nail, said: Yahya related to me by Amer Bin Saad, from his father, the Prophet r However, he said: Clean Ffenatkm " [6]
It is the duty of educators to teach their children that the hygiene of two types:
A) cleanliness of beds: The purification of the heart in the chest and the Bad behavior such as lying, hatred and envy.
B) the apparent cleanliness, such as Bath & Body wash and trim the nails, throat and clean clothes and clean teeth. " [7]
Aisha said the Messenger of Allah - r - «Ten (actions) to trim the mustache and beard, and tooth brushing and nose with water, trimming the nails, washing Albraszm, plucking the armpit hairs, shaving the pubic and the diminution of water». Musab said: and I forgot the tenth but that rinsing the mouth. [8]
Diminution of water: he wanted diminution of urine with water if Almmakir wash it, and it was said that it is Alantdah.
Albraszm: The contract, which in the appearance of the fingers meet in the dirt and Ahdtha knuckle
Ibn Abbas said: Messenger of Allah dimmer r-night dinner, came 'Umar ibn al-Khattab said: O Messenger of God prayer, lay women and newborns, the Messenger of Allah went out r and his head dripping with water, he says: not for that difficult for believers to have commanded them to pray this prayer. [9]
In the tooth brushing benefits including:
(1) "dental hygiene including removal of plankton.
(2) strengthen the gums " [10]
Cleaning and we know its importance, and also teach our children some morals when you eliminate the need, including:
1) "that the child enters the bathroom and left his foot out of it onto his right foot
2) that the prayer for the toilet, and a prayer out of it " [11]
Abd-Aziz bin Suhaib said: I heard the Prophet say ANSA - r - If you entered the toilet he said «I seek refuge with You from evil and evil» [12] .
  And Yousef Abu Burdah bin, said: I heard my father say: I entered upon Aisha, Vsamatha says: The Messenger of Allah r , If it comes out of the washroom, said: forgiveness. [13]
Abu Hurayrah said: the Messenger of Allah r : I am only a parent like you, and if one of you went to not face the qiblah, nor Istdberha not use his right hand, and he ordered three stones, and finished for dung, and Alrma. [14]
[1] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (12/344), 5534 true
[2] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (247)
[3] - See, Siham Jabbar Mahdi, a child in Islamic law and the education curriculum of the Prophet, p. 432-433, Halabi, Abdul Majid taste, Islamic education for boys and approach the target and method, p. 92
[4] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 5377)
[5] - Asceticism to Wakee (288) is true sender
[6] - Musnad Abi mounted Musli (791) in which weak
[7] - Siham Jabbar Mahdi, a child in Islamic law and the education curriculum of the Prophet, p. 436-441. Halabi, Abdul Majid, taste, Islamic education for boys and an objective approach and method, p. 95-98
[8] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (627)
[9] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (4 / 400) (1533) correctly
[10] - Samih Abu boiled and others, Child Education in Islam, p. 69
[11] - Ibrahim Al-Khatib, Mohammed Zuhdi Holiday, Child Education in Islam, p. 81
[12] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (142)
[13] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (4 / 292) (1444) correctly
[14] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (4 / 288) (1440) correctly
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