Platform article on citizenship education through the White Paper

Developments, the fundamental is contained in the document window on the components and unit social workers compensation material of National Education in Education for citizenship, based on the status of the values ​​of citizenship and human rights within the spirit of educational reform and the derived classes only on the citizenship and function of the community in its contribution in the composition of the student bookie in walk effort Living in Morocco . As a school by virtue of its function of channels that should contribute Makln-rearing and rehabilitation of the rising generation to raise these challenges on the ground and perhaps the finest manifestations of those contributing to its rise to the values ​​of active citizenship through the process of the composition of men and women linked by the home country that belong dynamic that makes them at the same time serve him with love and generosity and investigating Doathm with dignity (24).
-3-1 - Very civic education:
Envisages the development of citizenship education on awareness of rights and responsibilities of individual and collective training to practice, which supports the determinants that make school reform during the upcoming open to life and attractive to the same as provided for pupils.
And summed up civic education in the effort, which contributes to the school to form the citizen conscious and practitioner of his rights and duties towards the same and the direction of the group to which he belongs and civic education is essentially raising initiative, responsibility and autonomy which is not only the younger generation to practice active citizenship upon reaching adulthood, but develop Ada has mobilized what is the appropriate means (the nature of the quality of the program activities, the quality of learning strategies ...) the ability to be in every age and every moment of a citizen by any standard (25).
Based on the intended purpose of educating for citizenship evokes achieve several goals at the cognitive, emotional and practical. At the level of knowledge is reflected in the work to give the student the balance of cognitive in nature and a career in the field of citizenship, as well as knowledge of methods, techniques and forms of communication that helps to engage in a systematic manner, and on the level Emotional is the saturation of the pupil the values ​​of citizenship in both its goals of rights and duties as well as develop positive attitudes serve active citizenship, but on a practical level Vttgly to do concrete actions no matter how simple expression of the goal of attaining the goal of learning in the field of education for citizenship (26).

(24) White Paper, the social studies curriculum material, p. 39
(25) White Paper, the social studies curriculum material, p. 40
(26) White Paper, the social studies curriculum material, p. 41
-3-2 - Skills associated with the reference, the document window:
Manifested in making the student-level cognitive proficient knowledge of the events, concepts and relationships helps to learn the values ​​of citizenship and to be able to identify the institutions of local, regional, national and make the student as well as with the composition and balance of positive cultural devoted to the values ​​of active citizenship and knowledge of local organizations and regional and social as well as understanding the relationship between the understanding of human child rights and their application and improve the quality of life.
As for the methodological level, they include being able to research methodology with the student to acquire how to deal with the public utility and maintenance and the acquisition of the mechanism of thinking that help to distinguish between the values ​​of citizenship and human rights and child as well as mastery of forms of communication with the environment and employment in the activation positive to the concepts of citizenship and human rights.
For the attitudinal side is to make the learner:
- Permeated by the spirit of laws and respect and concern for the application in everyday life.
- Develop citizenship values ​​and principles of human rights and child in the attitudes and behaviors within the school environment and beyond.
- Attitudes and actions and behaviors consistent with the values ​​of citizenship.
- Respect for the institutions of local, regional, national, and work to strengthen the active participation and positive.
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