Play with young adults and children: "If he wants children to play with adults; shall be for adults to meet, during the play must be subject to the leadership of the young, we accept the idea or plan, which they draw, nor impose on them what we would like we are in play, during play with them, we can draw the game and its activity in tact and understanding , and we are trying to instill and guide the child to what we want, and apostle - r - Keen to play with the young and the type of play with them by running, playing Once the pregnancy and once on the back and so on. " [1] Abd-Allah ibn al-Harith, said: The Messenger of Allah r describes Abdullah, and slaves of God, and much of the Abbasids, and then says: It is already to so and so he said: Vistbakon him then they fall on his back and chest, and Faqublhm Iltzmanm. [2] Children play with children: "When parents are busy in the midst of life, and moving away from coexistence with the wishes of their children or are not alert to meet the desire of their children, in this case, the children go out to play, is that parents choose for their children from playing with them so as not to be affected by children of non-polite." [3] [1] - Siham Jabbar Mahdi, a child in Islamic law and the education curriculum of the Prophet, p. 425. See Halabi, Abdul Majid, taste, Islamic education for boys and an objective approach and method, p. 83-84 [2] - Musnad Ahmad (Sora) - (1 / 569) (1836) Upgrade [3] - Halabi, Abdul Majid, taste, Islamic education for boys and an objective approach and style, pp. 84-85

"This method of methods for encouraging competition among children Mahmood for the benefit of developing their bodies, it was the Messenger of Allah - e - Being in the running competitions among children. " [1]
It was narrated that Ibn 'Umar that the Messenger of Allah r between the former horse that had atrophied from Alhvia farewell to the pagan, and was standing pagan farewell, the former between horses that did not bore of the flexure to a mosque built Zureik, said Abdullah was the one who earlier. [2]
And menopausal ibn Salamah ibn al-Akwa, his father said: We have a city Hudaybiyah time with the Messenger of Allah r I went outside and Rabah Ghulam Rasool Allah r the back of the Messenger of Allah r , And a horse out of Talha bin Obeid-Allah, I wanted to be eternal with the camels, and when he was Bgls Laurel Abdul Rahman bin appointment to the Messenger of Allah Ebel r , The killing of its patron and expel them out is the people with him in the horse, I said: O Rabah, incapacitated on this horse Volhakh Btalhh and told the Messenger of Allah r it may change the Sarha, he said, and you on a hill and they made ​​my face by the city,
Then I called three times: O Bbahah, then followed the people with me my sword and're doing, they made Ermém and Oakr them, and that while a lot trees, and if he went back to Knight sat him out of a tree and thrown, do not accept Ali Fares only Akrt it, they made Ermém and I say: 
I'm al-Akwa 'Today is a day in infants.
Was attached to a man whom Vermah which is on his camel, falls arrows in men until she attended his shoulder and I said: Take it, and I'm al-Akwa 'Today is a day infant, if you're in the trees burnt by arrows, and if bothered folds Alot mountain individuality stones, there is still that my business to their own devices, those who follow them Vertdz even What God created something from the back of the Messenger of Allah ronly left behind my back, Fastnqzth of their hands, and then did not remove the Ermém even threw more than thirty spear, and more than thirty impermeable underestimate them, not throw that made ​​it anything but stone.
And collected by the Messenger of Allah r , Even if expanded Duha overtook them Uyaynah bin Badr Fazari periods they are in a coral tight, then I Alot the mountain above them, said eyelet: What is this I see?They said: we met this Barh what Variqna charm so far, and take everything in our hands and make it behind his back, said eyelet: not for this view that behind demand has Turkkm, for does it alienated you, stood up to him alienated four, they went up the mountain, and when Osamathm voice I said: Otarafona? They said: Who are you? I said: I'm al-Akwa ', who drew Mohammed Karam r not you called me a man who does not ask Vedrkny Vivotine, a man said: I think that, he said: What has been my seat until I looked at the knights Messenger of Allah r Atkhallon trees, and if the first of them acromion Asadi, and its impact on Abu Qatada, the Messenger of Allah Fares r , And the impact of Abu Qatada Miqdad Canadian, Foley polytheists and backs down from the mountain, turned away for either he acromialis horse Annan said: O acromialis, to give the adhaan people, I mean, I warn, I do not believed that Iktauk, Vatid even attached to the Messenger of Allahr and his companions said: O Salama, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day, and know that Paradise is true, and Hell is not resolved between me and the certificate, said: Fajlat Annan horse price in Abdul Rahman bin appointment, and sympathetic by Abdul Rahman Fajtlva Tantin, Fqr acromion Abdul Rahman and stabbed Abdul Rahman, killing him, turned on a horse Abdul Rahman Abu Qatada acromion price in Abdul-Rahman, Fajtlva Tantin, Fqr Abu Qatada and the murder of Abu Qatada, and Abu Qatada, turning on a horse acromion, and then I developed the principles went out the impact of people, so what I see from the dust of the companions of the Prophet r something, and offer pre-coma sun to the people of the water, said to him: a monkey, wanted to drink it, Vibsrona developed the principles behind them, Ftafoa him and Achtdoa in the crease, coral with prose, and the sun sets was attached to a man Vermah I said, 'Take it and I'm Akwa Today on infants, he said: He said: O bereaved mother elbowed reel? I said: Yes, that is the same enemy, and he threw the ball, making them short stocks last commented by the arrows, and left horses, their Osogahma I came to the Messenger of Allah r is the water that Halithm him a monkey, if the prophet of God r in the five hundred, and if Bilal had slaughtered a camel, which has left, he is grilling the Messenger of Allah r from her liver and Snamha, then I brought the Messenger of Allahr said: O Messenger of God, Khalna Vontb hundred of your friends, so he took the infidels Pal Ashvath not remain only informant killed them, he said: you're an active, O Salamah? He said: Yes, and honored you by enabling you, the Messenger of Allah laughed r molars until I saw the light of the fire, and then said: They now acknowledge the land Gtefan, came a man from Gtefan said: So and so passed on Algtafana Venhr them a camel, he said, when he saw her skin took Ekshton Ghabra Hraba left them and went out when we said the Messenger of Allah r : Good day Ersanna Abu Qatada, and the best Rjaltna Salamah, gave me the Messenger of Allah r shares the guy and then all of Knight Erdviny behind the Aledaba Returning to the city, and when he was between us and them close to the people in Dhoh man from the Ansar had never made ​​the call: Is there a racer? Not a man racing to the city? Terrifying to it again and I am behind the Messenger of Allah r Mrdwi, I said to him: The honors generous, honest and fear, he said: No, but the Messenger of Allah r , I said: O Messenger of God, the father of you and my mother Khalna Vlosabak man, he said, if you like, I said: I go to you, Vtafr for his camel, and bent my leg Aftfr for the camel, then I am bound by honor, or Serven, means retained myself, and then I ran until Vosk caused my hand between his shoulders, I said: Sbaktk and God, or words to that effect, he said, then laughed and said: I think, so we have provided the city. [3]
And Aisha, she said: the Prophet Sabgueni r Vsbakth, Vlbutna its toll on even if the meat Sabgueni Vsbakna, said the Prophet r : This is that. [4]
[1] - Halabi, Abdul Majid, taste, Islamic education for boys and an objective approach and style, p. 83. Look at the arrows Jabbar Mahdi, a child in Islamic law and the education curriculum of the Prophet, p. 424-425. Samih Abu boiled and others, Child Education in Islam, p. 69
[2] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (10/541) (4686) correctly
[3] - Musnad Ahmad (Sora) - (5 / 655) (16 539) 16 654 -   True
[4] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (10/545) (4,691) True
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