Praise and encouragement and shed light on the points of perfection in the human psyche

Praise and encouragement and shed light on the points of perfection in the human soul and praise of approach Nabavi cream, meant to sent a self on the increase, and stirring the souls of other toward innovation and competition, which is conditioned on the right, and believe in the acclaimed, and be enough to achieve the goal.
- From Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him said: O Messenger of Allah! One of the happiest people on the Day of Resurrection? The Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him -: «I thought, O Abu Hurayrah, that does not ask me to talk about this first one from you, what I saw from your eagerness to talk ....».
- And Hudhayfah may Allah be pleased with him said: the people of Najran came to the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - and said: O Messenger of Allah! Send us an honest man, he said: To you Ibosn
Secretary of the honest man's right, the right of the Secretary. He said: Vascserv to people, said he sent Abu Ubaida bin surgeon «In the novel», however, he took Abu Obeida said: «That the Secretary of this nation».
- Abi bin Ka'b and may God be pleased with him said - peace be upon him -: «Abu Mundhir! Any verse with you from the book of God is greater? I said: Allah and His Messenger know best. He said: Abu'l-Mundhir! Any verse with you from the book of God is greater?I said {no god but God is living and subsisting} [Al-Imran: 2] said, struck my chest and said, Lehne you, O Abu Mundhir science ».
- It was narrated that Abu Ayyub al-may Allah be pleased with him that a Bedouin offer to the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - and the traveler took Bouktam Bzmamha or camel, and then said: O Messenger of Allah! Or O Muhammad! Told me what brings me closer to heaven and Abaeidna of fire. He said: Refrain of the Prophet - peace be upon him - and then look at his companions, and then said: «I have or have under the guidance» and then accept the Prophet - peace be upon him - and say: How do you say? ... Talk », see how In this talk from the encouragement and attention and more care and attention.
How much matter Encouragement of the learner in the same love of science, and how much help in the accelerated education forward, As opposed to what comes by the large number of reprimand, admonition, blame, or silence on the praise when all Success and excellence .
Praise and encouragement may be utilized to strengthen a particular behavior or guidance to the important work to improve the acquisition.
- When Imam Muslim from the hadeeth of Ibn 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with the vision that he saw his sister on Vqsa Hafsa, may Allah be pleased about their own story to the Prophet - peace be upon him -, he said: «Yes Man Abdullah if he performed the night». So the question is what the impact of praise of the Prophet - peace be upon him - the son of Omar may Allah be pleased with him? (Salim said: Abdullah was, then, does not sleep at night except a little).
- In the story of Salamah ibn Akwa 'may Allah be pleased with him in (a monkey) Agaflin when they returned to the city after the scuff Salamah may Allah be pleased with him very well, and then slept on the road. Salamah said, may Allah be pleased with him: When we said the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - the best day Ersanna Abu Qatada, and the best Rjaltna: Salamah. He said: Then he gave me the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - two shares: Shares Knight and share guy, Fjmahma me all, then Erdviny Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - the Aledaba Returning to the city », hopes this incident, and how the praise, encouragement and appreciation competencies; In saying: «The best Rjaltna Salamah» declaration of honor in front of a complex of companions. Moreover, to give him two shares bonus also in recognition of his efforts, then in the buttocks of the Prophet - peace be upon him - him on one mount an increase in recognition and appreciation to him, You can imagine the amount of honor while Arcabac commander with him in his vehicle for going with him to the people How would double this praise and appreciation of the activity in the same or Salamah Abu Qatada, God bless them, but how much will move in the hearts of others when praise is in order!
Many of the capabilities, and a lot of talent get atrophied, but probably die and die their talents and abilities; because they have no one to lead them praise word, or lift them words of encouragement.
When we commend the owners of the capacity to preserve and ensure we are not diligent effort of them, but we move our souls may not be driven by another method .......!!
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