Qualities of the teacher: good appearance and logic, the word good have an impact in the soul and the Word of prey destroyed the walls of love


I do not doubt that you agree with me that we have to take care of Bmazaherna do not stray from fairly moderate; as that claimed for the acceptance and appreciation, and that feel our students that integrity does not necessarily mean the heirs of the appearance, has been advances mean this, and recommend the updated good looks, we read in the index (inclusive of ethics narrator and the manners of the listener for the imam al-Baghdadi) include: door repair updated the whole and taken to the modern novel, decorated, Study and starts them bleed, Study and cut Ozaverh so long, Study If dirty clothes to wash, Study If you eat food Zhma fears hands of overwhelmed, Study of the dress updated desirable to him, Study of and hated for him to wear a garment creation is estimated on the new...

He said, "should be updated in the event of his novel to the fullest and the best Accessories, And frequently coming to the same before the reform of its affairs which they carry at present and consenting of offenders "(Whole narrator of morality and ethics of the listener (373).).

And narrated that al-Yahya ibn Mohammad Shahid said: "What I saw Ora from Yahya bin particular, in the best clothes for him" (inclusive of the ethics of the narrator and the manners of the listener (381).).

It is entirely good-looking and priorities commitment to legal regulations, Vaspal clothes, or wearing the violator, or shave the beard, which prejudice the appearance of the teacher, and make sure it before other people to commit to the legitimate appearance.

Good logic:

The logic and the tongue is a brother, a teacher of the criteria to evaluate personal, so you might you agree that the duties of the teacher to preserve the region and the tongue and not heard from the students but good, and even when rebuking or punished, not appropriate for him to exceed the aims of words that Epalle them.

While the word is good have an impact in the soul, word of prey destroyed the walls of love, and destroy its structure. While we Andrick carefully the impact of what we are saying to people, people with feelings, and considerations should be powerless.

We see ourselves in all that there are words we hear she does a positive or negative impact on us without the feel of the spoken so. Do they not make this account a measure of the others, Vnaftred that feelings about what they hear from us will not necessarily be aware of us, or even included in the Allowing for? Which leads us to revise our logic more, and count every word we say an account.
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