Ravaged mind and free association of ideas and exploration for activation of civic education

(Brian Storemeng), and know the technique Katharh other labels thought, and mental storm, and the free association of ideas, and exploration of ideas ... It is a strong way to encourage creative and production-intensive and fast for a large number of innovative ideas related to the status of what, in order to employ:
 Find a solution to a problem. For example, on the basis of an event originating from a conflict between individuals, activated asked the group to find all the possible non-violent solutions in this regard;
 Integrate a new topic (concept, issue, theme, the value of,,,), where the help of brainstorming can find out all the previous representations of individuals on the subject. This technique is also a good tool to raise interest in and to explore and clarify what they know already in this regard;
 Do a quick workout on the creative. For example, with the help of brainstorming, ask activated members of the group to find Altaatmat possible to the story or the story is incomplete.
And the IPA is the technology that:
 Formulated the subject, for which was selected to organize brainstorming, in the form of a question requires a multiplicity of possible answers, it may be, for example is: "By any means we can achieve welfare of our society?" , On the basis that the question recorded in the place, from the blackboard, or any other carrier, everyone can view it;
 Activated call participants that during the brainstorming session, they can not, before the end, suspension, or sentencing of the ideas presented by others. It also does not need to be re-stated the same ideas presented previously. Keen and activated (component / teacher / facilitator) during the meeting to encourage each participant to make a contribution, but within the not forced to think about the idea of a particular so as not to lead to negative affectation, and to discourage creativity.Also careful not to show his own ideas, unless it is necessary to encourage the group;
 Activated asked the participants to make their ideas in the form of words or short sentences, or Vidunha is a participant (s) and yen in the same condition before. In the case of whether there was a proposal is formulated clearly required that the owner or the activated Adqgah proposal to clarify and make sure they agree with him. In this context, the innovative proposals that are most important and most useful;
 Turn activated to review the suggestions listed, respectively, students comment on it, and that as soon as the association of ideas with the group in force. Then he goes, sometimes, after every storm of the mind to the classification of productions (suggestions or solutions,,) to the categories based on the priority question, and to invite participants to deepen the debate around it.
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