Read the aggression and tyranny to self-defense and the protection of religion and its publication in the land

But the world today suffering from reading both the fourth * The rights to overshadow that saw him sacked * * (Al-Alaq).
Strengthened rights, holds advanced degrees, invented deadly weapons destroy humanity, strengthen the nation their weapons, and to impose its culture on the rest of the United Abahitha, so take the path of science is sometimes very dangerous.
Do Muslims need to flag this Fourth?
  Yes, need to: * Prepare for them what you can of power * {And prepare against them what you can of power, including steeds of war to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides whom you know not God knows them and what you spend nothing in the way of Allah fulfills to you and you do not unjustly} (60) Al-Anfal
Need for this science is not the fourth for aggression, but for self-defense and the protection of religion and its publication in the land.
A jihad of the soul and passion, this jihad statute, this basic education, there is jihad action: * The great jihad by Jahidhm * (Al-Furqan).
A Jihad builders * and prepared them what you can of power, * The sad truth is they have prepared for us and we no longer have, for two hundred years before benefited from the stability and economic prosperity, and made, and excelled, and invented the weapons controlled by the world, and then imposed on us their culture of these dishes their culture, and Abahithm, and Tfelthm.
If a person is strong Bhmgah do without God, and are without it in the hands of God always, these powerful nations, which laid off, Aftgt, and Bgt, represented? Represented by people who returned, these people an example of the United tyrant used to read to the aggression and tyranny, the people returned Allah said about them that they are superior in all areas: * Have you not seen how thy Lord dimensions * Iram of the Pillars * which were not produced as in the country *. (Al-Fajr) .
Excelled in various areas, and excelled in the construction: * Otbnon all proceeds verse Tabthon * and you should have plants that you may Tkhaldon * If * Btstm Btstm Jabarin. (Al-poets).
Beyond civilization, architecture, urban, industrial superiority, military superiority, and the superiority of science: * They * Mstbesran. (Al-Spider).
Four types of superiority, did not create the * like * in the country, and with arrogance, superiority and arrogance, and arrogance and the directory: * They stronger than us *. (Surat separated verse 15).
Than urban, industrial, military, scientific, and arrogance, * is stronger than us * and those people checked out now what your family is people who only said that your family is most of them power, but people returned when destroyed, he said: * Do they not see that God who created them is the greatest force * them. (Surat separated verse 15).
Which was above the back but God, what did you do again? He said, overwhelmed in the country, said in her overwhelmed, overshadowed in the country, a totalitarian tyranny.
Sometimes the ambitions of great powers, not in every home in the country, interfering in each country, impose their will on all people.
* Who * Tgua in the country. (Al-Fajr). Bombing and destructive weapons.
* * Heaped with corruption. (Al-Fajr). Film, tyranny, by bombing, and spoil the film.
* Vsb they whip torment of your Lord * The Lord is ever watchful. *. (Al-Fajr).
What do you destroy them?
A violent wind * * he has put them seven nights and eight days Hsoma you see people lying on the trunks of palm trees as if they were empty *. (Al-Fajr).
He said: * The family that returned the first *. (Al-star).
What I understand from the word? * The family that returned the first *, I mean back in again.
We need a fourth to be strong, to deter, * terrify the enemy of Allah * arms to not use it, you may not use it at all, but we want a powerful weapon we have this Ihabna makes the other party, the marriage guidance.
Therefore, Muslims will not win unless God gave the means of success, the reasons for victory faith in God carry you to obey Him, and faith in the Last Day, Erdek to hurt a creature, and mount the equivalent are not available, directory: * Prepare against them what force you can *.
Science is a very large value: * Are those who know and those who do not know *. (Surat al-Zumar verse 9).
Quran adopted values ​​are likely, the people with whom likely some of them some money sometimes, this rich, sometimes beautiful, handsome, sometimes the position of high, sometimes forcibly, sometimes Balujahh, sometimes the rates, adopted people's values ​​many of the weighting between them, but God Almighty in the Koran Quran from cover to cover what the values ​​adopted by?Adopted the value of science, and the value of work, is not.
The value of science in the verse: Are those equal who know and those who do not know *, and the value of work: * Each * degrees, which worked. (Al-Ahqaf verse 19).
And no nation wants to play should adopt two values ​​only two, should respect the request of the flag, and that also respects the work.
The issue of the flag issue is very broad, and should be to adopt as a way for the renaissance of our strength.
Salah al-Din Allah's mercy when he faced the whole of Europe faced young learners, so he spent long years in the establishment of schools, and in the fitness Street named schools this results from the work of Saladin.
Many people adopted the values ​​of the weighting between them, but God Almighty in the Holy Koran there are two values ​​of the weights between the value created by science, and the value of work.
We in the education of our children when we honor the Son, superior, when we encourage him, when the reward, when we ask What did you learn today? There are many families in a meeting on between the father and mother and the children and talk Latif What did you learn today in school?What did he say to you Professor? How much material you have today? What I understand physics, for example? When the dialogue in the home becomes a scientific knowledge of value in the house, and the dialogue on food and drink, and news and funny party without addressing scientific topics for the knowledge of a child going out and should be honored, if the child excel in his studies, Valthjaa is very important.
No way to progress and advancement only in science, if you want lower you the science, if you want the Hereafter you the science, if Erdthma together you with science, and science does not give you some but if you gave all your, if I gave him the bites not give you anything, and one still knows what he is seeking knowledge. If he thought he might have learned ignorance.
And the seeker of knowledge affects the Hereafter to the world Verbhama together, while the ignorant affect world to the Hereafter Vijsarhama together. [1]
And, then, to provide after research of this chapter that:
- Be the education .- and awareness of intellectual .- and mental health. Are the main responsibilities in the upbringing of boys mental, the Palace of parents, educators and teachers in carrying out these duties, and Frtoa in the hips responsibilities .. the God will hold them accountable for negligence, and asking them questions on the results of neglect .. Villa If their shame from God fell upon them right and they were excessive.
Weah and inspire a scene from a great day if their answer before the Lord of the Worlds: {Verily, they obey our Lord and our masters Kprana Vodilohna Sbala (67) Our Lord double torment and Anhm great for us (68)} parties :67-68.
Anas, the Prophet - e - Said: "God means what every shepherd Astraah, save it or missed? Even ask the man to his family."
And sincerity of the Messenger of Allah e View as narrated by Ibn Hibbaan: "God means what every shepherd Astraah: Save or wasted" [2] .
Make us who obey Allah and His Messenger, and who are bleaching their faces day of reckoning, and who performed the responsibility of their children and their families the best performance .. hopefully you are good, and Akram official
[1] -   Raising Children in Islam, Al-Nabulsi - (1 / 94)
[2] - Ten women of the Imam of the women - the third edition - (1 / 195) 278-7932 - true
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