Reading the conscious and the allocation of collection of books to help build awareness of the child and his

Intended to develop a conscious reading teacher in the hands of the boy since the unreasonable and discriminates library - albeit small - include a collection of stories talking about the lives of Muslim heroes, and tales of the righteous, righteous and news ..
They also include a set of intellectual books talk about everything related to Islamic regimes, whether contractual or moral or economic or political ..
And everything related to clarify the plots hatched by Zionism and Freemasonry and communism and the Crusades, and the material against the doctrines of Islam and Muslims ..
It also includes a group of magazines that offer Islamic conscious of Islam, and the movement of news, and address problems, and write threads offer exciting and attractive style ..
And the educator to choose the child of these books and magazines and stories appropriate to the age and culture so that the interest rate is more beneficial, and the fruit is derived by a more effective and better .. It was narrated that Abu parasite, he said: I heard a high, peace be upon him said: O people, do you want to be lied to Allah and His Messenger, Talk to the people, including know, and deny what they called " [1]
There is no doubt that the breeders when their children Anhjohn this approach, and walk with them the way they Atthagafon full Islamic culture, and include a mature awareness of the right.
[1] - The entrance to the Sunan al-Kubra of Bayhaqi (497) is true
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