Rearing and education of children swimming, archery and horse riding

To the verse: {And prepare against them what you can of power, including steeds of war to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides whom you know not what God teaches you spend nothing in the way of Allah fulfills to you and you do not unjustly} (60) Al-Anfal
God commands Muslims to prepare for war, and to prepare their equipment to fight the infidels, and the payment of aggression, and save souls, and the truth and virtue, by energy, and being able to be horses and weapons and the number and supplies, training and science and all that enters in the definition of the power that enables the nation to resist its enemies, according to the concept of age, to terrorism the infidels - from the Quraysh and others - the enemies of God, and the enemies of Islam and Muslims, and terrorist enemies of other hypocrites and Jews adjacent Muslims in the city and around, and others, who do not teach them the Messenger of Allah and the Muslims, but God taught them. and tell God believers that every expense spent in Jihad and prepare for war, will fulfill them completely, nor underestimates God none of them anything. [1]
   And the loop bin Ja'd from the Prophet - r - The «horse knotted in Noasiha goodness until the Day of Resurrection» [2] .
  And Yazid bin Abi Ubaid said: I heard that Salamah ibn al-Akwa - y - The Prophet said - r - The group of the safest Antdilon Prophet - r - «Shoot Lubna Ismail, the Shoot your father was an archer and I built with so and so». He grabbed one of the two teams in their hands. The Messenger of Allah - r - «What you do not shoot at». How do they throw away and you with them. Said the Prophet - r - «Shoot I am with you all of you» [3] .
And Makhoul, raising him to the Prophet r said: "All is a void, but horse riding and shooting, and is a man with his family, so you should ride horses and throwing, and throwing to the love" [4]
And Usama bin Zaid, told me Makhool of Damascus, that Umar ibn al-Khattab, wrote to the people of Syria: "Teach your children to swimming, shooting, equestrian" [5]
And Solomon Taymi, said: "The Messenger of Allah r liked to be the man Sabha Ramya " [6]
Abu Njih and peaceful, he said, "surrounded us with the Messenger of Allah r Palace Taif, Taif Palace baptized most of us, I heard the Messenger of Allah r says: "Who threw the arrow in the way of Allah, he has a degree in Paradise, and was paced in the way of Allah is the editor of justice" that day amounted to sixteen shares " [7]
There are some limits to this kind of sport in which Islam   :
1) "find a balance, that the link is to the sport was born in the center and the limits of moderation and balance with all other duties without being overshadowed by another.
2) taking into account the limits of God to be a dress as covering for rugged, and taking into account the limits of God in all actions.
3) good faith edit, to have this training the whole structure of physical strengthening to meet the call of God - the Almighty - in jihad at any moment.
4) that is not occupied by those who sport his religious duties. " [8]
[1] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 1221)
[2] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (2850) frequent
[3] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (2899)
[4] - The virtues of throwing to Isaac theca (14) is true sender
[5] - The virtues of throwing to Isaac theca (15) which break
[6] - The virtues of throwing to Isaac theca (16) is true sender
[7] - The virtues of throwing to Isaac theca (17) is true
[8] - Samih Abu boiled and others, Child Education in Islam, p. 68
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