References on the issue of education in Morocco

- Committee on Education and Training

A draft National Charter for Education and Training - Rabat 1999

- Mohammed Brdoza: modernization of education in Morocco to activate the Charter of the real national publications update - Rabat 2000

- Abdallah Saaf: Reform of education and training system

A series of knowledge for all the 20 successful new Press 2001

- For good material: the educational policy in Morocco and the challenges of the future

Publications Journal of the Science Education -4. Rabat 1999

- The world of education Number 5 bet Globalization: Education, Training, Employment success of new printing press

- Critical Reading in the National Charter for Education and Training

Rabat-Salé-branch of the National University of Education - Moroccan Federation of Labor - January 2000.

- Introductions (Moroccan magazine for the book) the 21 autumn 2000 - winter of 2001

- The future of education in Morocco: on the National Charter for Education and Training?

- Mohammed Hilali: education crisis methodological notes for a possible alternative magazine tomorrow p. 1996

- Education in Morocco between the challenges of globalization and hoped for reform

Publications Renewal 1999:

Slender part of this author in particular to the contributions:

* Mohamed orphans: Globalization and the Moroccan educational system

* Khalid Majeed: a preliminary reading in the current project to reform the education

· Qrbal Noureddine: educational reform, and the battle of the Clash of Civilizations

Lebanon Mustafa: priorities for education reform

- Imran Abdul Rahim: education and the challenges of reform in Morocco: Moroccan university and the challenges of democracy - Publications wave 1999

- Aldhuab Abdul Majid: free education in the balance in the number of educational issues 9-1999

- Baana Abdelkader: reform lessons and exams to higher education magazine project 1988

- Baana Abdelkader: reform of secondary education in the royal speech for the day June 17, 1987

Moroccan magazine of the law and economics, politics, number 20, 1988 -

- Omar bin pad
The draft reform of secondary education / initial approach Journal of Education number 4-1994
References in French

- Abdul Kader Baana the education system in Morocco
3 parts of Morocco Publishing

- Mustapha Mansouri
The cost of education and its financing in Morocco
Thesis Economics Rabat
1991 in two parts

- Maroney Mecca: the problem of reforming the educational system Moroccan publications Gazette - Rabat in French

- Radi Mohammed: the impact of structural adjustment on the development of education sector
Annals of the Moroccan economy, particularly the number of 1993

- Khalana Bashir
Policy of the school calendar, the education system in Morocco
Annals of the Moroccan economy, particularly the number of 1993

- Reform of education in Morocco: contribution to the debate: the round-table work of the study group and on a purely human resources 1995 Rabat Court Press

- Mustafa Albraima
Work for the renewal of our education in the higher number of the new century, the number of strategic Magazine 47-1999

Stakes of the debate on national education: work days to school Abdul Rahim Bouabid. Publishing House of Morocco 1996

- Ghemari Mohammed: In order to rebuild the University of Morocco
Journal of the strategy of the new century a number 49-2000

- Financing of education and training: a discussion on Reform: Round Table works in collaboration with a group of studies and research on human resources - Publishing of Morocco -1996

- Abdul Majid Aldhuab
Education policy and the Government of rotation or the right to education is disposable.
Prospective pedagogical: pedagogical and cultural magazine number 9-1999

- Ahmed Gharbawi: National Education: reform plan is a plan retreat
Journal of the economy and socialism number 11-1992

- Ahmed Gharbawi
Thelathona failure of official policy in the field of education publications, the statement

- Najib Hatami
University of Morocco and the urgency of the reform and a realistic and coherent
Journal of the new century, a number 38-1999
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