Religious education of the child .. Definition of the Creator in a simple model

Defines a child in God Almighty in a manner commensurate with his awareness, and level he knows that God is one with no partner, and he knows that the Creator of all things, he is the creator of the earth, the sky, people, animals, trees, rivers ... And others, can take advantage of the breeder some situations; asks the child if they go out for a walk or were in the garden, or in the wild for the creator of the water, rivers, and around the manifestations of nature; to draw his attention to the greatness of God Almighty, it may be the father, or mother, or educator, generally with a child,
or a group of children in a car in the book, or a trip strengthened the sunsets fade gradually from view, what the breeder only then to draw the attention from him to the power of God Almighty in this.
It also directs the child to understand the virtue of Allah be upon him, and bestowed upon the blessing of health and wellness, said to him, for example: Who gave you hearing, sight, and mind? Who gave you the strength, the ability to move? ... And so on.
It also urged the love of God, and thanked him for these blessings, and this credit, the granulation of God to the child and loved by God is good, and has reap educational sooner than later God willing.
The mother opened the window of their house a room in the second round for ventilation, and if her baby comes quickly and shut the window, and when I asked him why his mother acted in this act? He said: I saw a shower in the roofs of neighboring houses to us, He added: I do not want to see something that does not love God.
A child may ask about his Lord, do you eat? Do you sleep? At that point we have to answer that God } There is nothing like a Hearer {And that } Does not slumber nor sleep overtakes { If God is not like us need to sleep, food, and drink.
The simplification of these meanings of the child, and explained to him properly to the age and to maximize the God in his heart, which helps to watch for his Lord in secret and in public.
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