The rules of eating and drinking, nutrition and their impact on physical education of the child

Food and drink should be and there is no need for a person's life, not a continuation of this life only to them.
Almighty said: O Children of Adam, Take Look at every mosque and eat and drink waste not by excess, He likes not the extravagant} (31) Al-norms
Is God in this verse, the idolaters, who were touring at home naked, and those who roam them denied themselves the fat that set up the season, commands them to God's concealment of their faults, while wandering the house, and Baltjml at prayer, and then allowed them to eat and drink with good things, without extravagance ( Exceeding the limit without any reason), because God does not love the extravagant in every act. [1]
'Amr ibn Shuaib, from his father, grandfather, that the Messenger of Allah r Imagination, and Saraf, said more than once in the extravagance is not imagination. [2]
Islam has put rules on nutrition and asked the Muslims to carry them out, and applied to breeders and education for their children, including:
1) "wash your hands before eating and after:
2) moderation with food; because the large number of food leads to diseases including obesity and disorders of the digestive system, disease and gout (Kings), an increase in material Uric acid As a result of the large number of meat may get diarrhea and constipation.
3) avoid foods or beverages is forbidden
He says: {O you who believe, but alcohol and gambling, and monuments and the abomination of Satan avoid it, that ye may prosper} (90) Surah
Finished God believing slaves on the abuse of alcohol and gambling (gambling), and the slaughter of the offerings at the monuments, (the stones surrounding the Ka'bah), and forbid them from Alastksam arrows (the arrows three Qaddah or arrows Igilunha then throw them, he has written on one (I do) and on the other (do not), and third grade of writing.. If the stock came out who wrote it (I do) do. and if it comes out the arrow that wrote it (not do) did not.. If the stock went from writing the placebo re-Alastksam.
And God says to His servants the true believers that this evil: alcohol and gambling is evil .. but from the work of the devil (an abomination) Vajtnpoa this abomination that ye may prosper and Tfozon the pleasure of God [3] .
He says: {Forbidden to you dead meat, blood and pork and the people for non-God and Almnknqh and Moqozh and degraded and Alntihh and eat seven only what Zkeetm and slaughter of the monument and Tstksmoa arrows Such is debauchery today despaired of those who disbelieved your religion does not Tkhcohm and Akhcon day I have perfected your religion for you and completed My Favour upon you and chosen for you Islam as a religion, it is forced in the starvation is Mtgianf to sin, God is Forgiving, Merciful (3) Surah
God shows in these Alaahh what is forbidden to eat the flesh of cattle, slaves, of which:
Dead - a dead Open that her nose is not slaughtered properly or did not hunt and where are harmful, with the exception of dead fish, it is old, whether he died or exploiting another.
And the blood shed - which is the blood that dripped from the animals.
The Bedouins in the desert if starved in the desert, taking something of a specific bone or so Vivsdon by an animal out of it what they will gather from the blood of Vicherbouna, God forbidding it.
According to the hadeeth referred to us Mattan and addiction, either Almittan Fish and locusts, and Waldman As the liver and spleen. (Narrated by Ahmad and al-Bayhaqi).
Pork - humanism and brutality. Vhamh prohibited.
What is the people of God - what is the name he mentioned the slaughter of God's name when slaughtered. Because Allaah has enjoined that cattle slaughtered on his great name.
  (And ihraam is to raise the voice, and here ihraam: raising the voice with the name is the name of God for Muslims.
And Moqozh - a heavy hitting something unspecified until you die.
And the poor - a falling from a high place, or located in a well Vtamot is not permissible to eat meat
And Alntihh - a ram that had died because of her other, it is haraam even if you came out of her blood, even from the altar.
What to eat seven - this is promised by the animals of prey killed her is not permissible for it unanimously.
And excluded God from all of the above animal slaughter for human right, before he died, in which a stable life, if the slaughter became permissible to eat halal for Muslims.
The slaughter on the memorial - haraam to eat.
The monument is a stone around the Kaaba, the Arab Jahlitha slaughtered then the carcasses, and sprinkle it accept them into the house with the blood of those sacrifices, and explain the meat and put it on the memorial, forbidding God to the faithful to eat sacrifices which have been slaughtered at that monument. Valzbh at the monument of idolatry.
God then added to the food taboos which the people of ignorance Isthalunha, pursuant to the last of their arrows which Alastksam.
And arrows and one of them (Zlam), is a Qaddah (arrows) of three, one written on it: (I do) and the second is written on it. (Not do). And the third did not write anything.. If the schedule Vtalaa arrow labeled (not do), he did not. If the left arrow labeled (I do) do. and if the arrow came out of the placebo re-writing. Alastksam God forbidding arrows, and the promise of adultery, and out of obedience to God.
Allah has ordered the faithful believers, when reluctant to Astejerōh that ordered them to worship Him, and then ask him the good thing is that they want. [4]
4) Islam asked chewing food and prohibits eating hot foods and hates eating and drinking leaning. "[5]
Narrated Suhaib said: "Messenger of God r , Eating hot foods, even live " [6]
  And the bin Aqmar I heard the father say Juhayfah The Messenger of Allah - r - «I do not eat reclining» [7] .
Do not eat reclining: His rhetoric is calculated over the General Reclining is oblique to a Hqih, do not know the others, and some of them thinks that this speech on the doctrine of Medicine, and the harm to the body: that if the eater is tilted on a Hqih hardly recognizes the pain bestowed in streams his food, do not Esegh not easy coming to his stomach, his rhetoric: It is not the meaning of [modern] what they went to him, but Reclining Here: It is based on the hypothalamus which is below, all of ripen sitting on and I is reclining and reclining taken from Olokue, is fabricating it, Valmtki is Oka his posterior, and tighten Balqaud the hypothalamus, which is beneath it, he wants: if he ate did not sit at a Alawtih and pillows, the act of those who want to take a great deal of foods, and to expand on the colors, but I eat the leech, and take food in a language, so Qaudi Mstopza, not settlers, it was Roy that - r - «Was eating Mqaaa», says: I am Abdul eat as a slave eats ». [8]
[1] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 986)
[2] - Musnad Ahmad (Sora) - (2 / 635) (6695) correctly
[3] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 760)
[4] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 672)
[5] -   See, Siham Jabbar Mahdi, a child in Islamic law and the education curriculum of the Prophet, p. 427-432
Halabi, Abdul Majid, taste, Islamic education for boys and an objective approach and method, p. 88-91
[6] - People of faith - (8 / 74) (5516) Upgrade to others
[7] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (5398)
[8] - Mosque of assets in the sayings of the Prophet - (7 / 394)
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