School and its role in helping the student to freedom and independence

Can not enhance the image of the student himself or his ambition to raise only in an atmosphere of freedom and trust and love.Including providing the opportunity for students to express what he wants, and urged him to express his opinion on all the problems under discussion, and respect for the opinions he expresses, and Taouidh and encourage them to take the decision himself after clarifying the rationale and merits zina. At that meet the needs of children to independence, which is truly the most important psychological needs during the period in which the age Aharvon adolescence. Dealing with children must take into account their needs, and must be based on knowledge of the nature of growth and demands. 
The teacher must recognize that current developments in mental health and mental health, and the growth of the child and the needs of adolescent and young and dynamic group, is given to individual need, and contribute to the Editor of the conservative traditional school Tzmtha and focused its activities on educational material, and contribute to developing the spirit of independence and creative wills to give this generation is able to bring about social development objectives. 
Function of the teacher is to help students cope with their problems not to solve them on their behalf, and push them to make decisions that affect them rather than report on their behalf and to impose his choices in their absence. In doing so we can reach our children at an early age to exercise the concept of responsibility and duty in the conduct and behavior, leading to the possession of self-reliance and self-sovereignty, and thus to the performance of the leading social role which contributes to the maintenance of the community each withdrawal or dependency.
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