School calendar of environmental activities and the educational system and a link to the science curriculum to the environment

In the process of evaluating the environmental activities the school has been a poll groups of students through open-ended questions directed to them to express an opinion in the school system and a link to the science curriculum to the environment, and also posed questions to the science teachers concerning scientific activity the school and how it addresses the problems of the environment in which we live, and what role science teacher in the school environment and activated.
The responses of teachers and students to these questions are clear and comprehensive and reflect the interests of the importance of environmental education, and the questions are as follows:
1 - What do you think the school system? Are you satisfied with him?And suggestions for its development?
2 - What do you think science curriculum linked to the environment?
3 - What do you think the scientific school activity? And suggestions for its development?
Replied the student courtesy of mourning (Girls safety):
1 - the school system effectively and to preserve the calm and cleanliness, and provides an opportunity for all students to participate, and I'm satisfied with it, the school disciplined.
2 - The science that are entirely linked to the environment which includes the reality and practical life, and thus make it easier for students to absorb scientific article, but a long and time is limited, and can not finish the curriculum for teachers.
3 - scientific activity an effective and successful school which gives students a sense of comfort and self-confidence and sense of responsibility, and the link of scientific activity to the environment, the curriculum directs students to the path of safety and how to address environmental problems in Palestinian society.
The student Omaima Abu Sultan (Girls Jabalya b):
1 - a very good school system, where he follows the rules of hygiene and in the school and also following the presence of students or their absence, and takes into account the queue in the morning and after Alastrahtin.
2 - the science curriculum very interesting and most of the themes related to the environment, which is very handy, but a bit large and takes into account the level of some students, and this is reflected negatively on the collection of grades to them.
3 - scientific activity the school a wonderful and very useful, and I'm happy with it so much and I wish that there are many devices in school enables us to practice. The scientific activity is linked to the environment in times, where there are some topics such as: a study of the natural vegetation, installation and household electricity is closely linked to our environment.
The student Nihad Alian (male new Gaza):
1 - for the school system, it needs to develop and improve, whether students or teachers, must be strengthened affiliation of students to this school, and must feel that they are members of their importance to collaborate and succeed ecosystem, and teachers must work in favor of the school and serve the school and its students over the any consideration, as should the administration not to rush in making decisions pertaining to students or teachers. I suggest forming a committee to speak for the students of the school and the students are from an elite school and express their demands and take part in decision-making, and shall have the right to know of any decision taken.
2 - In my opinion, science curriculum is always a difficult and long, and the science curriculum for ninth grade is appropriate and only a light and mobile unit of electricity, this is a long and crammed.Unfortunately, the curricula of science is rarely linked to the environment, especially for ninth grade only Platform for Health and the Environment, on the whole I am satisfied with the science curriculum for ninth grade, but the platform of health and the environment I am satisfied with him because he deals with topics very important, and useful in practical life, such as: types of pollution, Traffic rules.
3 - in fact, the scientific activity the school is scarce to a large extent not applied in practice in our schools, and I am not satisfied with him at all, I did not enter the lab school, only four or five times, and was crowded, and we have not to do something, all we did was watch the teacher is The preparation of the experiment, so that we can not make any experience no matter how simple. I propose to develop the provision of school laboratories and a wide and equipped with the latest laboratory system, and provide tools and modern laboratory equipment and sophisticated enough for use, planning methodology aimed at activating the role of students in the field of scientific activity, and self-reliance in the conduct of these activities.
Unfortunately, the scientific activity we have not linked to the environment, and is limited to scientific experiments, it is not addressing the problems of water or rain, agriculture, and we lack such activities on the environment, and propose the provision of share, if it is monthly, addressing environmental problems on the ground, and watched students of these problems with their own eyes, If not, Through documentary films, at least.
As for the questions addressed to the teachers, were as follows:
"Scientific activity aspects of a school environment school":
1 - How activity addresses the scientific problems of the school environment in which they live? I remember some of the activities.
2 - What's your turn Science teacher in the school environment and activation?
Nevin replied parameter Abdel Razek (Jabalya b):
1 - Develop the relationship between students and the environment through the establishment of an environmental club, science and education students, and spread the idea of conservation of environmental resources of water, plant, and not to cut trees, and not to burn solid waste, and encourage scientific research.
Address air pollution and reduced area of green cover, through work on a volunteer in the local environment, planting trees to offset the significant decline in vegetation and urban sprawl and bulldozed land.
Address the pollution of the beaches and sea waste solids. And organize a volunteer day on the beach in cooperation with the municipality and making soft drinks for collecting waste and recycling sort of what works and empty bottles.
2 - Developing environmental awareness through the work of scientific seminars for students and the community.
Participate in solving environmental problems and health education.
Encourage scientific research and provide prizes for the best research.
Clean up the environment of the school classrooms and playgrounds and gardens.
Encourage students to reduce solid waste and reuse what works to use it again, and there is a replacement of the biodegradable materials such as paper bags instead of plastic bags, re-use jars instead of throwing them.
Development of concepts of environmental conservation of environmental resources.
The teacher Salman Shehadeh (new Gaza) replied:
1 - engage students in a variety of activities in the Arab Environment Day.
Engage students in a variety of activities on World AIDS Day.
Organizing various activities in which students participate in World Health Day.
The organization of seminars on environmental disease and common methods of prevention.
Interest in gardening school.
Attention to cleanliness of the school, urged students to do so.
Maintenance of public property by educating students to maintain the windows, doors and seats in the classroom.
Help solve problems for students.
Employ digital method of collective learning in science education.
2 - science teacher I can do this by:
Participate in the school radio.
Organization of scientific seminars for environmental pollution.
Lectures on some common diseases.
Workshops to maintain the school environment is physically and morally.
Employment of science curriculum and the school health service to different areas of the school environment.
Warn students of the acts and actions that harm or destroy the health of students.
Attention to the aesthetic aspect of the environment through attention to the school garden and the cleanliness of the school.
Monitor the school cafeteria and control the quality and validity dates of foods sold in it.
Interest in the school laboratory and maintain clean and organized and the level of security inside.
Employment magazines and wall posters of the rotating service the school environment.
Magazine printed version of the journal to serve the school environment.
Recruitment and documentation of environmental activities for the school to benefit and development.
Through these multiple views in the school system which is shown by the students and teachers, science curriculum, we find a link the Palestinian environment, and thus the need to develop appropriate and school activities associated with these approaches.
And shows teachers of multiple scientific activities that address the environment Ktrashid consumption of environmental resources such as water, plants, and dealing with pollution in the air by planting trees, and the holding of volunteer activities in the local environment, and development of environmental awareness through seminars, and publications that are to instill environmental concepts and work on attention cleanliness of the local environment, and encourage students to work in the field and to provide incentive awards to them.
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