Science in the Quran and honor scientists for their role in the service of truth and thought leadership and industry heat

"When I revealed to the Almighty God - the Koran calling for the flag and praised the knowledge and praised the role of scientists in the service of truth, because they are thought leaders, and the makers of civilization, they are the heirs of the prophets, and made ​​them God - the Almighty - in the ranks of the angels" , He says: God saw that it is no god but He: and the angels and the Oulu-based science with justice is no god but He, Aziz al-Hakim} 18 Surat Al-Imran
Shows God he is the one, which is no god but He, and it is based on the affairs of His creation with justice, and has established evidence of that in the lives and prospects, and in landing legislation speaking so. He told the angels, apostles this, and witnessed by the testimony in favor of the knowledge necessary - which is when the prophets stronger than all the certainties - and adepts and Benoh told so, and witnessed by the testimony and arguments, coupled with indications that the world is not something it lacks the argument.
And stewardship of God in the measure of the universe, and things of creation, is always characterized as Justice (based Bagayt).
And make the God of creation traditions based on justice. And then confirmed his own divinity as God, and based justice (there is no god but He, Aziz al-Hakim).
The first five verses revealed to the Prophet - r - Invites him to flag the Almighty said: {Read the name of your Lord who created (1) the creation of man from a clot (2) Read and your Lord is Most Generous (3) which is taught by the pen (4) anthropology that are not known (5)} [Alaq: 1-5 ]
  Read O Muhammad, what is revealed to you the inauguration of reading the name of your Lord who alone the ability to creation. And your Lord who created man, the normal strong, from sperm released from the heart of man Vtstqr in the uterus of the female, promotes development of days later, and become leech (as stated in the verse again) , then continue the development in the creation of man so as to complement and generate a child. and do as ordered by the reading (Read), And your Lord is the most generous and the presence of both desired, his administration, he is able to facilitate you a blessing to read. a God who taught man to write with a pen, and make the writing pen and a way to understand the human sciences, knowledge, until he reached what was, thanks to the pen kept science, and moved in the land of Sqa to Sqa. The science of God Almighty rights of all is enjoying its science, and was at the beginning of his command did not know anything.
  It is the first sura of the Koran, it starts the name of God. And draws the Prophet - r - The first thing that went, in the first moment of contact with Mullah Top, In the first step of the steps in the way of the call that was to ..
Notification to be read the name of God: «Read the name of your Lord» ..
The start of the attributes of the Lord Balsafh that the creation and start: «who created».
And specialization: the creation of man and principle: «the creation of man from a clot» .. from that point rigid vessels pending the uterus. So little naïve origin configuration. Which indicate the generosity of the Creator over what shows his ability. It is this generosity raised leeches to the point the person who knows he learns: «Read and your Lord is Most Generous, who taught by the pen. anthropology did not know what» ..
It is a leap too far between the origin and destiny. But God is able. But God cream. And then was this shift that runs heads! In addition to this fact highlights the fact that education .. teaching of the Lord of man «pen» ... because the pen was still broader and deeper learning tools impact on human life .. This was not the truth then so clearly that is visible now and we know in human life. But God - the Almighty - he knew the value of the pen, refers to this reference in the first moment of the last message to mankind. in the first chapter of the Wall of the Holy Quran .. this with the Apostle, who came out was not a writer with a pen, and was to highlight this fact from the moment First if this is the one who says the Koran.
Not for that revelation, but it is not the message! Then highlight the source of education .. The source is God. It draws all human knowledge, and all that know. And all that opens the secrets of this existence, and the secrets of this life, and the secrets of the same. From there it is. From that source one, which There is no one else.
In this section the one that came down in the first moment of contact of the Prophet - r - Mullah top, this section has developed a broad vision of faith ..
Each command. Each movement. Every step. All the work. The name of God. And the name of God. The name of God begin. And the name of God are going. And turn to God, and to become.
God is created. It is the science. Transgressing the start and origination, and from the education and knowledge .. and man learns to learn, and he knows what it teaches .. The source of all this is the God who created and who knows .. «Anthropology which he knew not» ..
This fact Qur'anic first received the heart of the Messenger of Allah - r - In the first moment is the behavior that has been felt, and acted his tongue, and the disposal of his work and its direction, then all his life. As a rule of faith first.
Imam Shams al-Din Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin values ​​of nuts in his book: «Zaad in the guidance of the best subjects» summarizes the guidance of the Messenger of Allah ( r ) In the remembrance of Allah: «The Prophet r Complete the male creatures to God Almighty.. It was all in his words and the remembrance of Allah and followers.
The commands and prohibitions, and enacted the nation's mention of it to God and tell him the names of God and his attributes and its provisions and his actions and his promise and Oaidh mention it to him, and praise him Balaih and glorify and faults and praise mention it to him, and his question and calling upon him to him and his desire, and unafraid mention it to him. And silence, and silence, a male from his heart. Was saying God in all situations and at all conditions. It was mentioned being with the breath to God standing and sitting and lying on his side, and in his walk and ride, and walked, and descends, and Zanh and residence.
"The Koran sees that the substance of science rule the fear of God - the Almighty -, he says:     {Seest thou not that Allah sends down water from the sky We bring forth its fruits of different colors and the mountains of new white and red, of various colors and Grabeb black (27) and from people and animals and cattle of different colors as well but fear Allah among His slaves that Allah is Mighty, Forgiving} (28) Al-Creator
Call a God of people to its great to create different things, the various manifestations and forms, of one thing, he says, meaning he sent down from heaven rain Faroe the earth, and she brought fruits of different colors and flavors and smells, and he created the mountains as well as different colors, some are white and of red, including Black Gharbab.
  And to make God the people and animals and cattle of different colors and shapes in Alhans one, blessed be Allah the Best of creators, but most people do not know the right knowledge, and he knew of them are knowledgeable secrets of the universe, knowing the greatness of the power of God Almighty, those who fear God, and the evil punished, are engaged to obey him. and Allah is Mighty, who in revenge Kafr, forgiving the sins of those who believe in him and obeyed him.
It is a gesture of cosmic wonder of gestures function on the source of this book. Gesture roam the whole earth followed the colors and dyes in all Aoualemha. In the fruits. And in the mountains. And in people. In animals and cattle. Gesture gathered in the words of a few, between neighborhoods and the neighborhoods in this all the earth, and let your heart mesmerized by this wonderful exhibition of divine beautiful large, which includes all of the land.
The start lowered water from heaven, and bring out the fruits Almokhtlvat colors. And because the exhibition gallery pigments and eye powder, it does not mention here of the fruits only colors «We bring forth its fruits of different colors» .. and colors of fruits gallery Badi color fails to innovation by all our artists in all generations. What kind of fruit is similar to the color of the color of another type. but what the result of a single color similar to the color of her sisters from the same species. When checking in any Thmrtin sisters thing seems different from the color! And move from color to the colors of fruits mountains leap strange at face value but in terms of studying the colors look natural.
In the colors of the rocks almost wondrous colors of fruits and diversity and multiplicity, but which is sometimes in the form of some fruits and size as well as the almost even divide of fruits, large and small! «It is the mountains of new white and red, of various colors and black Grabeb» ..
And new methods and coral. Here is a gesture in the text is honest, Valjdd eggs of different colors with each other. And new red of various shades between them. Different in the degree of color and shading and other colors overlapping it, and there are new Grabeb black, dark very black.
And gesture to the colors of the rocks and the variety and diversity within a single color, having mentioned to the colors of fruits, shaking the heart shook, and awaken a sense of aesthetic high, considering the beauty look abstract Fterah in the rock as you see it in the fruit, just what the nature of the rock and the nature of the fruit and just between their jobs and to estimate the human. but you see the naked look aesthetic beauty alone, a common element between this and that, deserves consideration and attention.
And colors of people. It does not stop at the color of the outstanding public races of human beings. Everyone then distinguished between the brown color of sex. But distinct from the twin with whom he shared a lamb and one in the belly of one! As well as the colors of animals and cattle. And animals is the most comprehensive and cattle specifically. Valdabh each animal. And cattle are camels, cattle, sheep, goats, allocated from the animals to the proximity of rights. And colors and dyes, where the gallery as well as beautiful as Exhibit fruits and gallery rocks either.
This book is strange cosmic beautiful page composition and coloring, opens the Quran and turns the pages and say that the scientists who read it and recite Atdbrunh are perceived and who fear God: «but fear Allah among His slaves» ..
And these pages that her heart in this book are some of the pages, and scientists who ponder this book is strange. And then know God real knowledge. They know the effects created. And the perceived effects of ability. And feel the reality of his greatness to see the reality of his creativity. And then really feared, and fear him really, and worship him really . not to feel the mysterious find the heart to the splendor of the universe. but with the knowledge of accurate and science direct .. and these pages form the book .. and the colors and dyes form of Badaa'i other configuration and Badaa'i coordination that are not understood, but scientists in this book. scientists note of the place. note feel, heart , and moved it, and see the creative hand of God by the colors and dyes, training and coordination in this beautiful universe.
The element of beauty seems deliberate intent in the design of the universe, and format. It is the perfection of this beauty that the functions of objects performed by her beauty. These colors are amazing in the flowers attract bees, butterflies with the smell of the fragrance. And function of the bees, butterflies in relation to Venus is the transfer of the vaccine, to be established fruits. and so lead Venus and her job by her beauty! .. And the beauty of sex is a way to attract the opposite sex to him, to perform the function of the sexes. And so are job with a Beauty.
Beauty unintentional intentional element in the design of the universe, and format. And then these gestures in the book of God home to the beauty in the book of God before.
«The Allah is Mighty, Forgiving» .. Aziz is capable of creativity and on the box. Bmghafrth Forgiving be corrected in the fear of fail, they see Badaa'i created.
"Has been singled out God - the Almighty - the virtues of scientists in his book, including:
1) of faith: he says: He it is Who sent down to you the Book which verses umpires are the Mother of the Book and the last similarities As for those who in their hearts aberration and follow what the similarity of it in order to sedition, and in order to be interpreted, and knows its interpretation except Allah and firmly grounded in knowledge say, We believe in it all from our Lord and The only Ulloa Kernels} (7) Sura Al-Imran
And Allaah is the one who revealed the Quran to Muhammad Abduh r , And it was his wisdom that made ​​him the verses of umpires specific sense, the evidence purposes, is the origin and the reference (or book). And made ​​him the verses of similarities, beats understand its meaning for many people, and the suspect is unwavering in science.
They take entirely clear who can use it to distort access to their belongings from the corrupt people for a possible perversion of the word to Barvonh him. The arbitrator, they can not benefit from it because it is overwhelming to them, and excuse them.
Those who in their hearts aberration from the truth, they follow entirely clear in their desire to sedition, and will use it, which in the instincts of the people and natures of doubt as not up to their knowledge, not a share in their sense. Kalahia after death, and all the affairs of the other world. And take entirely clear on the face without regard to the arbitrator, and return in the interpretation of the arbitrator to their whims, without regard to the arbitrator, and return in the interpretation of the arbitrator to their whims, and traditions, not to the original arbitrator upon which to believe.
Entirely clear and the interpretation of the Qur'an not only God knows and firmly grounded in science, empowered him.
  (Some commentators applicants: The concept of this verse: he did not know entirely clear but the interpretation of God. The phrase versed in knowledge resumed).
Those versed in the science respond entirely clear to the arbitrator, and believe in this and this is right and the truth of God, do not differentiate between the Koran and the arbitrator are the same.
It is inconceivable that not only understands the owners of sound minds that are not subject to the influence of passion and desires.
2) standardization: He says: God saw that it is no god but He, and the angels and they interpreted the science-based installment is no god but He! Aziz al-Hakim (18) Sura Al-Imran.
God saw that it's unique Balelhah, a century and a certificate of his testimony, the angels and the scholars, in order to be recognized, the unification of God and his justice, there is no god but He, Aziz, who is not forbidden to do anything he wanted, wise in his words and his actions.
3) reverence and tears: He says: {Say: Believe in it or do not believe that those who were given knowledge before it is recited to them if their faces fall down prostrate} (107) Al-Isra.
Say O Muhammad to these unbelievers Qur'aan, which Jithm it: Whether you believe it or not believe him, he is right in itself, revealed by God, and praised his penis in the previous books to him, revealed by God to His messengers ex. And the righteous people of the book, who were given knowledge and clung to Bektabhm, Abdloh did not, and did not Ihrvoh, if the Koran is recited to them fall down prostrate to God Thank him for his promise to send you done to the people.
4) fear: He says: but fear Allah among His slaves that Allah is Mighty, Forgiving} (28) Al-Creator
But fear Allah and fear His punishment obedience and avoiding sin scientists by Him, and His attributes, and Bill, and his ability to everything, including the differences of these creatures with the Union cause, and ponder what is already there from the Sermons and through. That Allah is Mighty, strong and choking, forgiving rewards the people of obedience, and to forgive them .
Science is working to deepen the belief in souls and strengthen faith in the hearts and gives the human effect on the insight, strength and safety in perception and thinking, and that the meeting of science and faith, giving God - the Almighty - its high status in this world and the Hereafter and HH status ", The Almighty said: {O you who believe, if you have been in the councils Tvshawwa Vavshawwa God give you and when it is said Anczoa Vanczoa God raises you who believe and those who were given science degrees and is an expert of what you do} (11) Surat argument.
O you who believe God and His Messenger, and worked the Bill, if you are asked to expand some of you for some councils Vosaua, expands God be upon you in this world and the Hereafter, and if requested by you - O believers - that you will of Majalskm to the order of things where the best for you Vqoumoua, God raises the status of you faithful, raise the status of many people of science degrees in reward and mattresses Radwan, and God Almighty expert your business is no secret by any of them, a Mjazykm it. In verse mention the status of scientists and virtue, and raise their grades.
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