The seriousness of the creation of lying, theft, and the definition of severe results

The creation of lying :
Create a duty on the obnoxious parents and educators to monitor their children so as not to get caught up in that hideous creation.
It is enough lying and Chwiaa Taqbiha that several characteristics of the hypocrisy of Islam narrated that 'Abd-Allaah ibn' Amr said: The Messenger of Allah r : Four were in was a pure hypocrite, and whoever has them has a characteristic of hypocrisy until he gives it: If there is a lie,
and if a covenant treachery, and if he breaks the promise, and if at odds with the dawn. [1]".
The creation of theft :
He is no less dangerous than lying, which is prevalent in environments backward not Taatkhalq morality of Islam, did not Tterb on the principles of education and faith. It is well known a priori that the child since its inception, that is not established on the control of God and fear him, and get used to the Secretariat and the performance rights, the child - no doubt - will be on the fraud and theft, betrayal, and eat the money unlawfully,
Be naughty, but a criminal, they appeal from the community, and seek refuge from the bad people are effective for this was the duty of parents to instill in the hearts of the doctrine of monitoring their children to God, and the fear of it, and that Aarafohm of the terrible consequences that result from theft and aggravated due to fraud and treason. 
[1] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (1 / 488) (254) and Saheeh Bukhari - Thesaurus - (34) and Saheeh Muslim - Thesaurus - (219)
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