Sex education for children and adolescents, and should be learned by grade levels

Sex education for children and adolescents:
1- Life comes from life and not from scratch.
2- All children and animals comes from their mothers .
3- All the animals come from the same type (monkey monkey comes lion and the lion).
4- To be a father and mother before the child can be born.
5- Girls and boys differ in the composition of their bodies.

All this information comes gradually and through the viewing process, for example:
1- View a particular type of fish is not ovulating, but their young out of it directly, and can be seen Small fish out of his mother's womb and can directly control the fish's abdomen is swollen, the mother Kids (any carrier) and all these observations possible if we put this type of fish in the bowl Filled with water.
2- If you put the frog in a pot of water from two to three months out of the eggs Alzneph Frogs, which grow to full.
3- Can see the chick as it emerges from the egg and the fertilized eggs to keep in your Temperature of 37 degrees after the elapse of three weeks out of the chick egg. And we must Of the child that this kind of egg is different from the one we eat.
4- Can see the pet rabbits and she is pregnant and giving birth.
5- Cultivation of grains such as beans, which grows legs and papers.

It is these observations tell the child that life comes from life and not from the ground and in the Animals as in humans has to be a father and mother before the child is born, and in many Animals have the child in his mother's womb for a period before he was born .

In the third and fourth grade primary school child learns to come j:
1- Assure the child that the father and mother were essential so that the child can come into existence.
2- Children know the difference between the composition of boys and girls .
3- We know that the human child is different from the animals in it, a fetus remains in the mother's womb For nine months before birth.

In the fifth grade child know what to come j:

1- Child learns that all the animals come from the egg and the egg found in the mother, And also come from the sperm is located in the Father.

2- Learns that the sperm must come from the father and goes where he meets egg In the mother and the proof and then the fertilized egg begins to multiply and grow until Become children.

3- Learns that in humans, as in many animals, the fetus grows in the womb of his mother for Nine months, and can facilitate these topics offer films to explain to the children at this stage These initial processes in a simple way.

In the sixth grade (11 years ago) to learn what comes:
1- The difference between the sexes.
2- The functions of the ovary and testis.
3- A lot about the sperm and egg.
4- Menstruation.
5- Wet dreams.
6- Growth of the fetus in the womb of his mother.
7- Family Relations.

To teach these things should be carried out by teachers on the degree of responsibility and maturity, not Have any sense of frustration. And can the doctor this role if it is able and Exercise .

In this age there should be a quota to answer questions, and if Mixed school must be separated boys from girls in this share, so have the questions Freely and without embarrassment .

High school:
A serious and important stage, because it involves a sense of real sex begins. The boys begin The girls share their admiration for each other. Must be supervised at this stage and only Escaped the reins to their lusts and their leaders undesirable behavior with other problems .

In this age starts a rebellion boys and girls to their parents and their problems in Esicarunhm Nationality, but they go to other people outside the family trust. Must Teach them:

1- And genital functions and composition.
2- Explain the sexual.
3- Fetal growth.
4- Pregnancy.
5- How evil of fear of venereal diseases.
6- Homosexuality to prevent deviation.
7- Contraceptive methods.
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