Sex education in school curricula in China

In an unprecedented step .. The Ministry of Education China's introduction of sex education within the curriculum prescribed for students Middle stages of education Alosaspa, Liu Han, deputy director of the Family Planning Association of the ministry that The move comes in line with the policies of reform and opening-up policy of China for twenty Years, and aims to help young people in the early stage of life to learn the sex A healthy, safe and sound and scientific, in a departure from the teaching methods of sterile Walt j Depends only on preaching morality and extension of j j .
 Liu said that the group Walt j books will be taught in this regard .. Devoted himself to compose and set up a group of Specialists
In the science of sex education, and used the Walt curriculum is taught in j   World's developed countries . 
The official pointed out that China's J test will be limited Applied to schools in the capital Beijing during the threshing j next year, and in the subsequent phase Will apply in 12 other cities including Shanghai, Wuhan and Qguanizo Chuniznj and Harbin, while Was Expected to circulate in all parts of China by 2006
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