Should be the expense of the fathers to their children and their parents

Blessed and Almighty said: {and mothers breastfeed their children for two full years for those who wanted to be breast-feeding and baby nurses his reasonable manner does not cost the same but it can not hurt the mother of her child is born to him his son and heir, such that the wanted Vsala by mutual consent and consultation there is no sin on them if you want Tstrdawa your children that there is no sin on you if you recognized what you come good and fear Allah and know that Allah is Seer of what ye do} (233) Al-Baqarah
Instructs the God parents to Kamal for breastfeeding for the child is two years. And the father of the child maintenance parents divorced, and Xothen what took place is usually Omthahin, it is not extravagant or Aguetar, according to the ability of the husband and his left. And the call of God parents and parents to the need not to act under the sense of desire to damage, it is not for the wife to leave nursing her son to the duration (two years) to the detriment of the husband. and not for a husband to wrest the boy from his mother prior to the period of breast feeding for the damage and harm her.
And the legacy of the child - if his father had died, or if he is poor, or unable to gain - that the spending on the child and his mother, and therefore not harm them. But if the Father of the child weaning, before the lapse of two years, an opinion that interest him, and consulted each other on So, they agreed, there is no sin on them, there is nothing wrong there is nothing wrong with that. 
If the parents agree to take over the father's son of them, either for a reason, or to excuse him wing it to display it, is no sin in accepting it, if you push it conducted for the last term good, and he paid the boy to wet nurse the other. And urges God's faithful piety in all cases, and the desire to leave the act affected and abuse, and know that Allah is Seer of what they do, it is no secret of it all, and that it will hold them accountable [1] .
And Abu Huraira said: The Messenger of Allah - r - «Dinars spent in the way of Allah and a dinar spent in the neck and a dinar in charity by a poor person and a dinar spent on the family paid the greatest of which is spent on your family». [2]
If the father's pay and reward in the expansion of the family, and spending on the family .. it was therefore the burden of sin and the sin if caught spending, and skimp on parents and children when one is able .. Listen to what he says peace be upon him in the right Burned to feed their children, and Almmiskin for the expense of their parents and their children , and Abdullah ibn 'Amr said: The Messenger of Allah r : Enough is enough sin for a man that is lost from his care. [3]
Narrated Khaythamah said we were sitting with Abdullah ibn 'Amr came to him as he entered the Kahramanmaraş has given the slave power he said no. Voathm Hence, he said. Said: Messenger of God - r - «Is enough sin for a man confined to those who have power». [4]
And maintenance on the family create a father to his family and his family good food, good housing, good clothing and .., so that the bodies of ill health, and sap their bodies epidemics and diseases ..
[1] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 240)
[2] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (2358) - in the neck: the emancipator of male or female slave.
[3] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (10/51) (4240) correctly
[4] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (2359) - Alqherman: Khazen values ​​ordering
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