Songs, films and stories of the most important and useful means of education and entertainment innocent

Do not forget that the child needs to foreplay, and songs, and not songs for the development of faith first, and in a manner appropriate to the child such as when a poet, for example:
I love my God
And his religion and his book 

I like as well as apostolic

Muhammad and the companions 

We have realized the Messenger of Allah r The importance of play and fun for boys, girls, and the story of the mother of believers Aisha, may Allah be enabled when the Messenger of Allah r To see the people of Abyssinia, playing witness to that, and emphasizes Aisha said: «I appreciate the progress of».
The child needs to be renewed tapes, and useful stories useful, from time to time, and to indicate the importance of the tapes, and books useful to you this story:
Was one of parents keen to buy an update of the stories, and useful books for children, and sacrificed day of Ramadan entered the child's mother with nine years; to wake him up, and when he woke up he told his mother before he rises from his bed: I had planned daily program for me, started since the morning today and said: I prayed the dawn, I sat down I remember Allaah until the sun shone, and then performed two rak ahs, and grew, and I will continue my program today, I asked his mother: how you will organize your time? He said: I have taken on the organization of this book.
Dear Educator see the impact of useful books on young Muslims.
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