Sound education and the students' knowledge and understanding and taking into account individual differences, including

Know the capabilities of his students and their awareness of the mental:

He is saying to Abu Huraira - may Allah be pleased with him - when he asked for intercession: "I thought, O Abu Hurayrah, that does not ask me about this talk a first from you, what I saw of your keenness to talk" (Bukhari (99).) Is peace be upon him knows that his disciple Abu Huraira - may Allah be pleased with him - from keen to talk to his companions, and the thought that preceded the question.

He says peace be upon him: "merciful my Bomte Abu Bakr, and most in the order of Allah Omar, and believe them shamelessly Osman, and informed them of Halal and Haram Maaz bin Jabal, Avrdahm Zaid ibn Thabit, and most knowledge my father, and every nation the Secretary and the Secretary of this nation Abu Ubaida ibn al-Jarrah" (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (3790) and Ibn Majah (154) and Ahmed (12 493).). Is this not a manifestation of perceived peace be upon him to the perceptions and the willingness of his companions?

Someone who do you not follow the example of his discreet, And role models in education that gift means to identify the capabilities of his students, and the extent of their interest and readiness?

The knowledge of the teacher to his students reflect on the teaching and tender, one who knows his students a thorough knowledge is able to teach them what they need and fit with them, which is capable of directing them to specialize right, and the exact answer their questions, which is capable also of justice and accuracy in their calendar and give them the grades they deserve.

Taking into account individual differences:

Abu Rifaa - may Allah be pleased with him - said: I'm done to the Prophet, peace be upon him as he said: 'O Messenger of Allah, a strange man came asking about his religion does not know what his religion, he said, turned to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and left his sermon until he came to the iron chair, her limbs were calculated, he said, sat by the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, and teach me to make what he knew God and then came the last sermon piquant (Narrated by Muslim (876)).

People metals and varying capabilities and capacities, in order, and intelligence, and willingness, and so as. And the teacher is dealing with everyone, and addresses the total, and here is his skill in convincing everyone, and to balance them.

And take care of individual differences is not innovations of education today, but referred to by our ancestors first and perceived some and recommended that the teacher him, Al-Nawawi said: "We should be willing to pay and the best in Tfahimhm and bring interest to their minds, eager to guide them, and understand each one according to his understanding and save it, do not give him what not tolerated, and shortens by about tolerated Blaamishqh, and addresses each one up to the degree, according to his understanding and ambition, he was content to refer to those who understand they are achieving, and illustrates the words of others, and repeated by those who do not protect her only repeat, and reminds the provisions set out examples of non-evidence for those who do not Anhfez his guide , the ignorance of the evidence, some said to him "(a polite explanation of Total (1 / 31).).

The advances may be summarized some of the students education and modernization alone. Abu Asim said: "Maybe I saw Sufyan attracts the man of the middle ring and the newly Faihdth twenty people were sitting," they said, perhaps it was weak. He said: No (Narrated Alramehrmazi in the updated separation (785)).
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