The story and its impact on child-rearing and the laying of good manners in them

The story of the role and effective in raising the child, and granulation of God and His Messenger r It; story of Zamzam spring water at the feet of Ishmael u Fill the baby's heart the love of God Almighty, as well as stories of the beloved children the story of Mosesu And his staff, and drowned Pharaoh and his soldiers, and the story of the disappearance of the Prophet Muhammad r In the cave, and granulation of the Prophets, peace be upon them to the children, and emerging as a catalyst to follow them, and torment Bmsllekem, and their year.
It improves the novel conversations appropriate to their age and memorize them.
Someone may say: How do you like the apostles and prophets, and they did not see them?
  The answer, it did a favor for you, or you said okay, you tend to it, and love and you have not seen him, the first of the other Apostles, and after the virtue of God on their nations invaluable.
That which develops in children the love of the Prophet r Mentioned a range of conversations and attitudes prophetic event, such as the hadeeth: «O Abu Amir, what did nughayr?» The story of the boy who was in the lap of the Prophet r And wander hand in the dish, and good attitude r , And his dealings with him, and talk of the right to visit the patient, and care Paliam, honoring parents, and not Altnaga between the two without the third, all of these, which recognizes him blessings and peace to the hearts of the emerging and develop their sense of his love and knowledge of His bounty we r .
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