Teacher and the need to take advantage of events to direct the education and emphasize education

Each day, the sun and fresh eruption of passing incidents, and the teacher and educator Allbeb wise to benefit from these incidents and events in the direct education and emphasize education, as is the case of the Holy Prophet - peace be upon him -
- Narrated by Muslim from Jabir may Allah be pleased with him: «that the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - over the market, the inside of some high, and people Knaftih (any side) passed by a dead grandfather ASC, Vtnolh took his ear, and then said: Which of you loves to This has the dirham? They said to us that what we like something, and we make it? He said: Otahbun it for you? They said: By Allah! If he were alive was the ASC, how he is dead?! He said: By Allah! Minimum of the lesser of the God of this you ». How frequently we have such an incident, or close to it then do not pay no interest.
- And Omar Bin Al Khattab may Allah be pleased with him said, introducing the Prophet - peace be upon him - the captivity; If a woman among the prisoners who, if you find a boy in captivity, I took it Volsqth her ​​stomach and breastfed him, told us that the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - : «You see this woman would throw her child into the fire? We said: No, God! It is estimated that not posed, and he said the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - God merciful towards His slaves than this to her child ».
He can go this talk without comment, but the Prophet al-Hakim - peace be upon him - according to him any benefit; and so we should, and when linger meditation in such an incident, we will find an opportunity to benefit in other aspects; As noted Prophet - peace be upon him - the capacity to the mercy of God; we find the right opportunity to remind parents, and the volatility of the world for its people; and so on.
And Jarir ibn 'Abd-Allaah may Allah be pleased with him said: «We were sitting on the night with the Prophet - peace be upon him -, he looked to the moon to full moon night, he said: You will see your Lord, the Day of Resurrection as you can see the moon, not Tdhamon to see; the you could not overcome a prayer before sunrise and before sunset, Vavalo ».
How we see the moon to full moon night? How we see and we are with our children or our students, then do not we have an opportunity to remind the faithful to see their Lord in Paradise? How many can benefit from seeing the moon for example, by recalling the prayer and its greatness, and they Noor (light and prayer) and the recall value of beauty and love of people to him? Will use every direction if Oamlna our minds.
And on the Bara 'ibn' may Allah be pleased with him said: «dedicated to the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - silk suit, and started to admire and touch and his companions from Anha, he said - peace be upon him -: Are you surprised by this line? Tissues of Saad bin Maaz in Paradise better than that and Allen ».
One may say: This story was buried the Prophet - peace be upon him - the path of revelation, not so for us, we say: Yes! But we have other ways, we can recall that when the beauty of this world and the refined delights of Paradise, and the fire of this world and torment torment of the Hereafter: «Narkm this that fuels the son of Adam, part of the seventy parts of hell free».
This was the way some of the salaf: the lava may Allah be pleased with him the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - and the pyramid of Ibn Hayyan Astahban may God have mercy on him sometimes during the day, Faotian market basil, Fasalan Paradise of God and call, and then come blacksmiths Viauman of the fire, and then to Atafrqan Manazelhma ».
Often we sit down and take fire Nstdfi or make food; how we can benefit from this incident?Can tell the Mterban: Do you see how the fire devours firewood? As well as the envy eats good works as fire devours firewood. And we can say we feel that there is warmth of Muslims from turning in the open does not find him a house holds, and warming himself by the fire.
The incident may be one in which opportunities for guidance in several aspects. Yes! May not be appropriate at times to review all aspects of the lesson in the incident, but we have to take it and paste the most useful thing it once did.
The incident is, it can be stated than in education (and teacher master does not leave events in vain without the lesson and without the router. But exploited to raise the soul and refine and refine. The advantage of events on the other means of education that they occur in the soul a special case is closer to the melting. The incident raises the whole self, and sent them a degree of heat of reaction and emotion is sometimes enough to melt, or access to the near fusion ... The proverb says: hit-and-hot iron; because then easily beaten roads and composition).
What was going through the nation's day of accidents and mesmerized consecutive to one of the other hand, the opportunity to formulate a personal Muslim formulate serious fixed productive, the greatest testament to this generation's unique goodness gracious Prophet - peace be upon him - in the midst of accidents and misfortunes before migration in Mecca, as well as after the migration in incidents that deviated by the eye; In such Alawdhag severe (the Muslim personal forged.. Day after day, and after the event happened, this was a personal grow and mature and clear features ...).
When the call to take advantage of the events we are not so obstinate and want to channel that affectation, but rather draw attention to the method of effective methods of education of the Prophet.
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