There are more than a technique to activate the groups can not be met in such a summary, but will limit ourselves here to some of the much-used and efficacy have emerged:
- Technology 1.2 0.4 0.8 0.16
§ required to submit a full section
§ lasts five minutes of self-reflection
§ impact of the written requirement, because it is technology based on the gradual construction of learning
§ timing of the stages of completion:
· Students then go out to work two and two: each with his neighbor, with the necessity of forming Ajaptehma in eight minutes.
· Then passing to a quad where composing replies to the previous two in ten minutes
· Then pass to the group of eight to be the same for fifteen minutes
§ performing collective authoring by asking each group (four or eight depending on the time, who chose to stop when Mr. process) to register the final completion on the board. Because this stage may be long, it is best to distribute large sheets of paper (or transparencies when there are opposed) on the final groups to record the final outcome of their work in a clear manner. And last the authoring process of collective ten minutes.
§ request the registration of students writing professor and the fix has been enriched, to be an act of an individual Tdeima.
- Classical technique to collect students in three or four members:
§ students attend in teams of three or four to choose a personal, or dictate of Professor (depending on the specifications chosen by the distinction based on the initial diagnosis)
§ Mr. distributed to each group and the different documents, even if it relate to the same goals, and asking them to report on their work depends in the final composition mass.
§ Each group between 10 to 20 minutes depending on the accuracy of learning, and then present its work on the section in two or three.
§ Professor accomplished in ten minutes writing between the different reports, with data enriched with complementary or new ..
- Technology Messenger:
§ meet students in groups of 4 or 5 people to complete the learning required for 10 or 15 minutes, after each group has chosen "messenger" is represented
§ roams the Apostles at the end of time allocated to each group to inform them what they have accomplished, and it calculates two minutes per message.
§ Record what took him on the board to inform the other apostles and inform the professor who registered this in turn will invest in his intervention
- Technology, "Philips 6.6 Philips "
§ "Philips" is the name of the creator of this technique, and 6.6 means 6 participants for 6 minutes
§ meet students choose six groups according to the "stimulus" and "scheduled" and "speaking"
§ the role of "activated" the interviews of each member (including himself) for a minute about the topic at hand, including camel makes the time 6 minutes.
§ what is going to be recorded in a dialogue with the avoidance of repetitive information, and better to have the registry on the large sheet of paper and a clear line displays the work until the entire section.
§ When you are finished Dialogues, re-team members read and discuss reports and revised for five minutes.
§ the role of "spokesman" to comment the report of the group and read the section
- Technology Chat:
§ Each student chooses one of the numbers 1 or 2 for Itzmy it within the group of bilateral
§ each holder of asking colleague No. 1 No. 2 carrier for a minute, and then exchange roles
§ displays each student as a result of his interview in front of the entire section
§ Professor intervention be Msawqa of offers, with the recording data as it deems necessary for the authoring process
- Technology Sample:
§ divides students into two groups:
· Of the "sample", which sits in a semicircle opposite the section, and a quarter of the total number of students, which shall discuss the subject at hand
· Group of viewers whose role is to listen to the discussion run by their colleagues, and ask them questions
§ conduct this technology as follows:
Step One: cost "sample" to discuss the subject at hand for 10 minutes. The professor can interfere with the debate over the supplemental or new data. While the team heard the audience in silence, and confined to record their questions on the leaves
Step two: stop "sample" to talk and take questions in the accept (tonic pupil promote the process), then holds the answer for 10 minutes. And as unable to "sample" for the answer Mr. intervene.
Step three: drafting Talevah collectively supervised by the professor.
§ IT "sample" This is very useful in teaching students to listen to each other, be in control at the time their interventions, and their thoughts on the Istdloa ..
- Technical hiccup mind:
§ Technology is important to stir the imagination and creativity and the joy of discovery, and to activate the memory
§ What is needed is the expression of all the glorified mind than the subject at hand
§ Prof. record these expressions on the chalkboard, reminding from time to time and other relevant
§ Professor with the help of the students organize the data collected in different themes using various means Kaloloan ..