What should be the concern of parents in raising their children and not overlooked

Parents should encourage children to choose righteous and good, but not to the parents in constant contact with teachers righteous for their children, it is recommended Father Good Teacher on his son, and recommends that the parent parameter is valid on her daughter, many of the sons and daughters of the Holy Quran, with good thanks to God and thanks to the teacher, or teacher Haohma God to encourage and follow-up.
* We must direct attention to the banal children from a young age, and some of the conversations that promote it, which proves the adage realistic:
Income of the son to his mother such as Morocco, a day of Ramadan, and said to her: Give me a part of his pocket money on, I want to give it in charity or charity by me, and I want you to go me to visit a patient, and was interested to this demand close attention, I asked his mother about what he calls to this request, and the wheel, he said: I am fasting today, thank God,
The times we prayed the funeral, and I want to give in charity, and I visit the sick, in order to get paid is what the Apostle r To Abu Bakr t , When asked, peace be upon him: «Who among you is in place today ...» then he said: «What gathered at the man who only entered the Paradise». 
This act is the result of encouraging them to such redundancy, and urged them to them, and instilled in them from early childhood.
* Strive to isolate children from the street, and families for neglected children; so as not to be affected with some morals.
* Care should be accompanied by children, to boards of education of male and virtues.
* Washing the legal education of the biggest event, it is unfortunate that the girl, for example purified from menstruation after Fajr azan, but because the cold does not alert the mother to her daughter's need for a dip in his time, and leave it until returning from school.
* Beware of lying to children, and strive to piety, he graduated the mother, for example, visit one of her friends and say to her: I want to go to the doctor, with no trace to go to the doctor, they are all her, and when return is no longer with the drug, or evidence she went on, the child realizes then, that his mother lied to him, what is expected? What is the impact of this deal on the child or the son?
* Should be aware that Salah Salah reason for parents of children, God willing, he says of God:
} And the wall was to Glamin orphans in the city and beneath it was a treasure, of which he was a good father he wanted to be informed of your Lord is most severe and Istkhrja Kinshma the mercy of the Lord { [Kahf: 82] has been interpreted by scientists to save the treasure verse Alitimin, Salah was due to their father, has said that one of the scientists who was valid, the seventh is the ancestor of these two Alitimin Kinshma Keeping God because of him and God knows best.
Vlabashr educators that the righteous and guide them if they worked hard in raising their children, has promised the Prophet r That God and his angels, and the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth, even the ant in her lap, and even the whale in the sea, who teaches people good, and the education of children, and raise them well on their religion, one of the greatest good and the science that will benefit from it, says one of the scientists: If you know your son ablution swear , affects the water of its members carried out only such wages.
How many of your children, how many of the offspring will have the permission of God? How much will you pay with Salah faith?
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