Marriage from a business perspective.. Marry a bad deal for men but a bargain when women

A popular Arab saying (a strange time to become dresses Tkosher Dhib) and the dresses here are strong cat with mice, insects, and the weak and cowardly in front of prey animals such as wolf and others.
But to become so strong that in the face of the wolf Tkosher Alcasr frightening even become tremble before it, that's the scourge of pests, and cause an imbalance in the general rules..
In this time of the strange women Ekshrn became of the man is no longer the only man to be a slave humiliated spineless disgrace to women, even melting the tyrant Bjbrocha ..
 What to enter the house until the affairs of the house full of cooking, washing and obvious
And lift the table (after the landings of course) and soak the feet of his wife with water and rub with stone, shaking bed son Varmint which satisfy him humiliation to sleep, and can sleep like a fox eyes open, so do not ask Hanem service and prevents sleep and do not act, so the day of black from the darkness of night to torrid. . The dirty work instead of them .. Why did it bother to repair damaged things? .. What is the use if the husband? .. Back poor night from work and all his dreams after the noise of the day and pain the brain is limited to the warm bath and a quick dinner and then piece the horizontal position comfortable until the morning .. but these dreams, small is not never realized and vain wife is determined as any dictator hard not accept anything short of absolute obedience .. Sometimes you send to market to buy things trivial is no need to it, and again cites bored and desire for change without taking into account the depletion of energy vitality throughout the day, and if not complied with in her quiver a lot which can not reject .. she is suffering a sudden - Aye Aye .. .. I - of sudden abdominal pain and her husband Aziz is responsible for it be carried to the hospital there and quarreled with the doctors, but Vstfdha everywhere he - wicked villain - leave them wriggling of excessive pain , rheumy eyes and a skeptical and confident in the depths of the same they lie just to disturb him. But you can only wear his clothes, a "Abrtm"?. And go with her to the hospital and quarreled with the doctors but it was not polite in the excitement evident on the face of rapid victor.. 
In markets carries heavy objects without dares to challenge is the strong man with muscles, but she Valhmama deposit descendant princesses Alnaamat who Atalmn than a grain of peas, do not know why Do not show this meekness alleged only when it comes to Bamorm, but when shopping for herself to buy her clothes Shoes or alternate in the torn activity wrestlers and welcomes continued to walk long hours without the slightest complaint of fatigue does not appear only at the time carrying purchases paid for contract compliance idiopathic.. Make up the visits and events do not exist to evade the responsibilities of home and handled by the poor who does not know a lot of things home from child nutrition and cooking, etc. .. Since there are two patterns must choose between them: the style of the Islamic obligatory to spend on the man as part of the system generally limited to where women service men and stay at home and not go out without his permission and obey him absolute obedience, and the western system which is based on parity in rights and duties .. But women want to take the law glue the full rights and system west of equality and full equality, the name of Sharia on the man to spend it and the name of human rights on the man that gives parity full .. and this was able to hit two birds with one stone .. and here are aware that marriage in This time, strange bad deal for men but for women it is profitable deal in her life .. It's the same deal of a lifetime ... The important question then is why men accept this injustice?. Why are married and loss haunted? .. It is foolish of course!. Think of each man to his fate will be better than the previous determination..
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