Why kill Michael Jackson?

In a statement issued yesterday said the Forensic Medical Institute in Los Angeles (California, west) that the death of Michael Jackson on June 25 (June) «crime» killed due, in particular, for «poisoning (a drug) propofol» very strong as well as a combination of other drugs . 
In this the Institute has developed an end to the suspense, which lasted several weeks, emphasizing that addiction Michael Jackson medicines from painkillers, sleeping pills and other drugs for pain was actually behind his death on 25 June at the age of fifty at his home in Los Angeles. 
The statement said that the death of pop star caused by the «risk of poisoning substance propofol», a narcotic substance was highly influential 
Jackson used to fight insomnia on what his doctors said last Conrad Murray. 
The institute said that «the drug propofol and (hypnotic drug)
for two main lorazepam are responsible for the death of Jackson» The statement added: «found on other drugs (during autopsy) is Medazolam and diazepam and lidocaine and ephedrine». 
The report concluded that 
Jackson's death is the «murder», thereby putting an end to the speculation of Sirte in recent weeks, especially as the Los Angeles police consistently refused to say whether the investigation includes the «murder» even though it cost the Department of homicide investigations . 
According to the publication of the report, the eyes are focused now more than ever, Conrad Murray, who admitted that he was injected with a drug propofol 
Jackson the morning of his death. 
For his part, said Ed Chernoff's lawyer Murray Friday in a statement that the Declaration of the Institute of Forensic Medicine «nothing new» and that he expected «autopsy report complete with a full list of drugs that were found in the body of Jackson and the quantities of these drugs and all other information that will allow independent medical experts, analysis and interpretation» 
The document pointed Monday to a lawsuit and a lethal dose of a substance in the body of propofol 
According to the document drafted by a police investigator in Los Angeles, the Murray assured the police that the singer addressed the thinner material propofol during the six weeks before his death, and every evening he gives a with 50 mg of the drug. 
* Key dates in the investigation into the death of Michael Jackson 
* What follows is the main stations in the investigation into the death of Michael Jackson: 
June 25 (June): Death of Michael Jackson at the age of fifty because of a heart attack. 
June 27 (June): The Jackson family demanded a second autopsy on and get it. 
Doctor and Conrad Murray Jackson, who was in his house when he died confirms the words of his spokesman that he is not considered a suspect. 
July 4 (July), referring to the information that investigators found a strong substance narcotic propofol in the home of pop star. 
August 24 (August): The court documents revealed that 
Murray told police that Jackson was treated thinner material propofol for six weeks before his death, as well as he injected the drug this morning of his death. 
August 28 (August): 
Institute of Forensic Medicine describes the death of the singer as the «murder» and confirms that he spent a private «due to the risk of poisoning» Propofol material as well as a combination of other drugs.
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