Activities to help develop intelligence and assist the child to think of scientific

If you want your child's growing abilities and his intelligence, there are activities that lead mainly to develop the intelligence of the child and help him to think of systematic scientific and speed of business acumen and the ability to innovate,
  Among the most prominent of these activities include :
A) play :
Games develop the creative abilities of our children .. For example, the development of fantasy games, and focus attention and deduction and inference, caution and surprise and to find alternatives to multiple hypothetical situations which helps them to develop their intelligence .
- Is playing an imaginary means of doping to the intelligence of the child and the compatibility Children who love to enjoy imaginative play
A high degree of excellence, and enjoy a high degree of intelligence and language ability and good social consensus, and that they have the capabilities of creative superior, and this should encourage the child to this kind of play and the games popular as well as its importance in the development and stimulate a child's intelligence, by the effects of saturation psychological and social desires of the child, and what Taudh on cooperation and teamwork and being active mental vigilant and alert and thinking required by such games .. and so must be promoted in such a .
B) The stories and science fiction books :
Development of scientific thinking the child is an important indicator of intelligence and development, and the book helps the scientific development of this intelligence, he is lead to a systematic scientific thought in the mind of the child, and thus assisted the development of intelligence and innovation, and lead to the development of the ability of minority children .
- Book scientific school child can be treated with the concepts of many scientific required childhood, and can motivate a child to scientific thinking and being his own scientific experiments, simple as that the book is scientific is a way because the taste of the child some of the scientific concepts and ways of thinking correct and sound, as well as the book says the scientific for a child this stage, the development of positive trends for children about science and scientists as it plays an important role in the development of intelligence of the child, if presented well, so be good output with the taste of literary, art and out beautiful, and this adds a kind of sensitivity to the child in the sample sentences of things, it develops memory, the ability of mental capacity .
- Fiction
Very important for the child, a fiction necessary for him, and characteristics of childhood imagination and fantasy, and Educational imagination of the child the importance of education is high and is through the narrative of fairy tales involving the content of a moral positive provided that they are easy to effect and raise the concerns of the child, and caressed his feelings delicate kind, and is the development of imagination as well as through storytelling science fiction inventions and the future, it is just a seed for the processing of the child's mind and intelligence of the invention and innovation, but must work to read these stories by the parents first to consider the suitability for their child so as not to reflect on the intelligence and there are also other stories contribute to the the growth of intelligence of the child such as stories and religious stories of puzzles and adventures that do not conflict with the values, customs and traditions do not talk about values ​​supernatural It raises a passion for children, and are attracted to make their minds work and think and teach them ethics and values, therefore, we must choose the stories that develop the mental abilities of our children, which are full of love and imagination, beauty, values humanity and must have a selection of religious books, why not? , Islam calls upon us to think and reason, and thus contribute to the development of intelligence in our children .
C) painting and decoration :
Painting and decoration help develop a child's intelligence through the development of his hobbies in this area, and investigate in detail the required fee, in addition to the development of innovative factors have on the way the discovery of relations and the introduction of amendments, even more than the beauty of the painting and decoration
- The children's drawings show the characteristics of the stage of mental development, particularly in the imagination in children, as well as the activation of mental factors, leisure and focus attention .
- The children's drawings and representative function, contribute to the growth of intelligence of the child, although the drawing in the same activity connected with the field of play, it is founded at the same time on the mutual communication of the child with another person, he paints for himself, but are his drawings, in fact for presentation and reporting someone great, as if to say nothing to him through what drawn by, and not the goal of the child from the drawing that imitates reality, but GOES his desire to represent, hence the ability to drawing in line with the development of mental and psychological development of children, and lead to the development of his thinking and his intelligence .
D) the child plays :
- The Children's Theatre, the plays of children an important role in the development of intelligence in children, and this role stems from that (hearing the child to the stories and her novel, play games based on the viewing fictional, would all have to develop the abilities to think, that the emergence and growth of this tool for communication - any language - would enrich the thinking patterns to a large and diverse, and vary these patterns and develop more rapid and more accurate ).
- From this Valmsarh capable of language development and thus the development of intelligence in children. It helps children to highlight their playing imaginary, therefore, have children who go to theater school and participate in it, a degree of excellence and enjoy a high degree of intelligence, language ability, and good social harmony, They also have the creative capacity of superior .
- Child's play and contribute to a tangible and significant contribution to the maturation of personality of children is considered as a means of communication in the formation of trends affecting the child and his tastes, values ​​and personality style so Valmsarh learning and school is very important for the development of a child's intelligence
E) school activities, and its role in the development of a child's intelligence :
The school activities an important part of the curriculum of the modern school, Activities school - whatever the name - helps in the formation of habits, skills, values ​​and ways of thinking necessary for further education and to participate in education and that students who participate in the activity have the ability to academic achievement, and they are positive for their fellow and teachers .
Being more then contribute to the intelligent high, which is not a module separate from the other subjects, but it permeates all the subjects, an important part of the school curriculum in a broad sense (activities class), which is synonymous in which the concept of the curriculum and school life overall to achieve the integrated development of students, as well as to achieve the upbringing and education integrated balanced, and that these activities constitute one of the important elements in building a student's personal and refined, they are doing it effectively and the impact of deep .
F) Physical Education :
Physical exercise is very important for the development of a child's intelligence, which is but one of the school activities, but it is very important for the life of the child, but not limited to school, but start with the man since his birth until his departure from the Aldnio'hai outset removes laziness and drowsiness of the mind and body and thus stimulate intelligence , and so it was wise to Arabic and English as well, which says (a healthy mind in a sound body) evidence of the importance of attention to the body healthy through health food and sports so that our minds healthy and a sign of the close relationship between the mind and body, and highlights the role of education in the preparation of the mind and body together ..
- Practice is sports in the leisure time of the most important factors that work on upgrading the technical and physical, and gain strength good, and give the individual happiness and pleasure, fun and positive emotions good and make it able to work and production, and the defense of the homeland, and works to improve the standard of mental and sports give the individual growth comprehensive balanced .
- It is scientifically :
The practice of physical activity will help students to proper compliance, persistence, responsibility, courage and bravery, cooperation, and these attributes are important help the student succeed in his school and his career, and little d. Hamid Zahran in one of his studies on the relationship of sports intelligence, creativity and innovation (the innovation is associated with many variables such as achievement and level of economic, social and personal, especially physical activity in addition to all Almnact humanity, The Dleaford that innovation is not limited to arts or science, but it is present in all types of activity human and physical ).
- Valmnaspat sports require the use of all mental functions, including thought processes, Valtvouk in sports (such as gymnastics and diving, for example) requires innovative capabilities, and contribute to the development of scientific thinking and creativity and intelligence in children and young people .
- Required and is something of interest to physical education and healthy physical activity for our children's health and the health of their minds and their thinking and intelligence .
G) reading books and libraries :
And reading is very important for the development of intelligence of our children, why not? The first word revealed in the Holy Quran (read), God said (read the name of your Lord who created created man from a clot Read and your Lord is Most Generous who taught by the pen taught man that which he knew not) reading occupies pride of place of interest in rights, as the main method that explores the child the environment around him, and the best way to strengthen its self-creative, and develop their capabilities to complement the role of education for the school
- Reading is the process get children: how to read? And what they read?
Does not begin to care for instilling a love of reading or the reading habit and the tendency in the same child and know what is going on since the beginning of his knowledge of letters and words, and therefore question of reading matter of vital importance for the development of children's culture, when Nhabb children in reading we encourage at the same time the positive in a child, a result of the reading of research, education, Love of reading to do with the child many things, it opens the doors to them about curiosity and the survey, and develop their desire to see places Atejelunha, and reduces feelings of loneliness and boredom, creates them models represented by their roles, and ultimately, change the reading method of the lives of children
* The goal of reading
To make children creative thinkers, researchers are looking for facts and knowledge for themselves and for their benefit, which helps them in the future to enter the world's inventors and creators, not imitators or Kmhakin .
- And reading are important to the lives of our children, every child acquires the habit of reading literature, means that will love and play, and will support the creative and innovative abilities constantly, as well as the children gain a love of language, and language is not a way to communicate, but is a way of thinking .
H) hobbies and recreational activities :
These activities and hobbies is a good investment for the leisure time of the child, and is considered an investment leisure time of the important reasons that affect on the development and personal growth, and leisure time in developed societies is not only a time for recreation and relaxation and the restoration of power, but also, in addition to that, the period of time within which development can and character development in a balanced and comprehensive .
* In the view of many educators :
Need to focus on the formation of leisure-time activities are contributing to the acquisition of the individual experiences positive good, and at the same time, help Alynmo his character, and gain many benefits from the moral and physical health, and art. Hence the importance in building a child's mental and overall human .
- Varied hobbies between writing poetry or a story or a work of art, literary, scientific, and hobbies lead to a talent show, Valhoayat contribute to the development of queens of the child, and must lead to the creation of the child to satisfy his tastes and desires and the extraction capacity of the creative, intellectual and artistic .
- Either individual, hobbies, especially such as writing, drawing, either collectively, such as small industries and the mass games, hobbies, theater and art of different .
Valhoayat recreational activities :
But take the side of the intellectual and creative, even if the collective is a group of children thinking together and play together, leading group work, which is itself a means for the transfer of expertise and the development of thinking and intelligence, therefore, play Interests in various fields and types play an important role in the development of children's intelligence, and encourages them to think organized and productive work , innovation, creativity and talent show buried within the hearts of children .
I) The Holy Quran :
And we come to the conclusion, maintaining, Quran, Koran, the most important to healthy youth development of intelligence in children, why not? The Holy Quran invites us to meditation and thinking, from the creation of the heavens and the earth, the summit of reflection and meditation, and even the creation of man, and the creation of things around us to increase our faith and blends science work .
The Holy Quran, and understand its meaning, and knowledge of complete knowledge, conducted human advanced stage of intelligence, and even find adults and intelligent Arabs, scholars and Adabahm memorized the Quran from a young age, because the rule important expansion of thought and perception, memorized the Koran leads to the development of intelligence and high degrees .
And invite the Holy Quran to think and ponder and the use of reason and intellect to know God's right to know, to know its great, and knowledge of the universe in which we live right knowledge, and we review below some of these verses that urge to seek knowledge and reflect on God's creatures in the vast universe .
- Tell the truth (that you will to God, two individual and Taatvkroa). SABA verse 46, a call to reflect on the unity in the community also
- And saying the Almighty (also shows you the verses of God, that ye may Ttfkron). Baqarah verse 219, a call to think of all the verses, the Almighty God created the .
- In this context, says the right interpretation of the meaning (also shows you the verses of God, that ye may Ttfkron). Baqarah verse 266
- And bowing (as well as separate verses for a people who reflect.) Yunus verse 24
- And also (in that are Signs for a people who reflect.) Thunder verse 3
- And saying the Almighty (in that this is a sign for a people who think deeply about the meaning) 11
The distinction between God and users Almtfchrin their minds, and others who do not use those blessings .
- And says the right Almighty (Ulm reflect on themselves) Roman 8
An open invitation to reflect on the self and the future .
- There is another invitation to reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in each case by the rights, says the Almighty (who remember Allah standing, sitting and lying on their sides and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth). Al-Imran 191
- But there is an invitation to reflect on the stories of God and the stories right, to interest a Muslim is a small and large, says the right (Vaqss stories perhaps they may reflect.) Norms 176
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