Almhninih examinations and the search for credibility, which raises questions

Each year with the announcement of the results of the professional examinations of the burden wing of the Ministry of National Education ... raises several questions of the meaning Matt question by the participants in this examination about the credibility, impartiality and objectivity, on the basis of exam questions, passing through the centers of examinations and correction and sort the results:
* The way the questions: The way in which the questions are still traditional did not do after the assessment methods of modern and objectivity, which can be formulated based on the pedagogy of skills that are frequently beating them and have not officially try to activate it on the ground! So that the exam questions based mostly on direct questions and the written target, only memory (conservation), and information retrieval is not only cognitive, allowing, in front of the vast amount of educational information, the forms of
Fraud known as a classic, and facilitate the tasks (Alqlaah) and often failed (Castles Wen ).
* Examination centers: During the process of guarding these centers does not address most of those responsible for guarding rigor and responsibility required, which makes a Qassam exams a true market to cheat the public and secret and even collective cooperation it (I regret among those presumed to be men and women of breeding!?). There are rumors say that some of those responsible for these centers play specific roles in the fraud (Kthaai questions, change another written examination papers in advance to favor certain individuals ...)
* Correction: There are rumors saying that there are those who intervene in the patch to resolve the points in favor of any other person and there are recommendations and agreements?! In addition to some circumstances Allasahah which is the process of correction, and suffered by the assessors (pressure, how much stock s, time pressure, fatigue, lack of stimulus material decent ....) Such adverse conditions are not conducive to concentration and audit to the correct objective and fair. Rather There are those who wonder about the suitability and efficiency of some of the correctors themselves (? !)
* Counting results: There are also some rumors - and this may not be a stranger in our country, which is packed with corrupters everywhere - which says that opens real market brokerage in each year, for the sale and purchase results not to mention patronage and cronyism and interventions suspicious for so and so or Alana .....
As can be observed to be wondering about the huge number of successful or on behalf of certain territory?! As a result of a sense of injustice and lack of credibility, there is a boycott of the exams individually, but there are those who join the corrupters and cheaters and ignore the ethics of conscience and responsibility! Where the feasibility of and committed by them, often, the losers (there are a few exceptions ).
All these facts and rumors negative, full-time professional examinations of its noble objectives (promotion of physical, administrative and cognitive ).
Since we are in a state of right and institutions - as we are told - we call Alsaalin who are interested - if it really matters - to move to put an end to this farce that is repeated every year, and work to restore credibility and a sense of the usefulness of institutions and respect for the law and not ethics professional, and the adoption of Rulers minutes and democratic control of the credibility and objectivity of professional examinations, and work to involve the trade unions the most credible in all phases of operations and examinations, regionally, nationally and regionally .
We suggest some measures to help the :
Adoption of questions is based on the information and conservation ...
A written exam and another oral, giving plants greater oral test .
Not to destroy the papers answers for reference when necessary .
Right to the point of examinations and statement published with the arrangement when the announcement of results .
Maintain copies of the data points and tests in the prosecution and academies for reference when necessary .
Adoption of regional Koth .
Make a trade-union committees to follow up and surveillance, regionally, nationally and academically.
Before all this, we call on all concerned examinations and professional trade unions and professional associations and human rights in particular, mobilization for the formation of committees Oganh and Tunaihugeoah and regional to verify the credibility and integrity of the professional examinations for the year 2004 (at least, rather, the past few years?!), To impose the values ​​of transparency, responsibility and control and equal opportunities, and cut the road on the values ​​of corruption, fraud and trading, which began invading and ravaging the body of education, and work on the threat that the community sector is vital (Education Wa Alas!), which has been, and until recently a good example in ethics and the spirit of responsibility and citizenship are committed to and struggle rather. ...........??? !!!!
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