Approaches the form of the interpreter for the Sociology of Education

Unlike approaches to monetary and conflictive, which focused on what is happening within the school system of education and the school re-production and control of the authoritarian and ideological in the social classes, the owners of this approach is the same model explanatory, cared only to study the educational system from the outside, through the study of the effects of school education, relying on an arsenal of statistical procedures and descriptive and deductive, figures and statistics, trying to show the limited relationship the school of social mobility.
There are several theses that have adopted a certain model of interpretation, the statistical Kalnmozj Jenks, and the systemic Alnozj Sorrukn, the systemic form - compositional Boudon Booudon , Which we will try to address the relevance and comprehensiveness.
Boudon stems from the principle that the problem of social mobility or lack of equal opportunities, is the result of a group of Determinants that can not be conceived isolated from each other, but must be dealt with as a group constitute a pattern. On the basis of data on empirical statistical, try Boudon present a model that we water the interpretation of Msart schooling and social hierarchy in the industrial society the liberal, based on the variables origin of family and level of study and social status ... The model Boudon explanation total Nskie for a number of phenomena, statistical (outlets work, study and locations), data, sociological (related mainly Balauwaliat generating inequality). Examples of some of the findings of Boudon: in a society hierarchical using a system a diverse and hierarchy of competencies, the democratization necessarily know the limits can not be overcome; unequal opportunities resulting necessarily from a convergence of Nsagan: coordinated social sites and coordinated paths of study, where the system of social hierarchy and the educational system hierarchy can only be produced from them does not equal and unequal opportunities; social mobility is affected by many formulators between the structure of domination and the structure of merit, as the structure of merit means that the level of study determines the social position of individuals, and the structure of domination is contrary to the structure of maturity, reduce or weaken the act of merit or benefits, because it stems from the competencies of individuals with social origin high, which dominate the best locations, Thus, individuals who have the same academic level (the same educational certificates) have access to a social site to the extent that a high level of (their) social high. (a series of educational training, the number 5. 5.2001, quote).
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