The blackboard .. Email permanent teacher, he used good

The board of the oldest educational methods and the least expensive, is hardly indispensable teacher, learn how to use it effectively. Some teachers believed that the use of the blackboard is random is not subject to the principles and rules, and this is not true. The teacher uses a blackboard successful in an orderly and specific objectives . 
· Divide the blackboard for two or three, and select each section a certain quality of things started was placed in an orderly and clear, for example, Department of the components of the lesson, and a section of the sentences and phrases that are meant to stay the length of the lesson, and a section for phrases temporary that can be removed during the explanation . 
Do not speak and you write on the blackboard • When writing on the blackboard Try not to give back to the students, but give them your side . 
Do not write something wrong on the blackboard, and if called for an urgent need for the haste to remove . 
• Use colored chalk in an orderly manner, so that helps students to understand the processes of classification, or the link between things . 
· Make sure that the writing is clear and visible to students in the last chapter . 
Use the display device over the head may be more effective if you train him and prepare materials well. It : 
1. Provides the time available to him in writing on the blackboard . 
2. Makes you face the students always . 
3. Be a solution to the problem of poor line when some teachers .
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