"But did not send a teacher sent a fierce!"

Always remember you but I came to learn not to punish those who do not learn! Also, remember that not all learning disabilities caused due to the student. Be patient and soothing Bbtii learning and neglected neglected documented that if the neglect that increases the concentration of the teacher and it is moderated by Vsikv for his behavior. Often be caused by neglect, slowness in learning and the teacher about that inattentiveness . 
Refer back to your memory, especially if you're someone who exceeds thirty and remember your teachers, you will find that the first thing that comes to your mind picture of the teacher thick walrus whose vision was incited fear in the hearts of students, and feel your heart you will find how much of the frustration it caused to the day to you or to others of psychological pain in the days of the study . 
There are teachers who were by violence and crude brutality has also left many students to study who was Has a good mentality and he is a good future please . 
Muawiya ibn al-Hakam income may Allah be pleased with him in prayer with the congregation did not know that the speech had been denied in prayer, a Ftts Vhmth companions, companions Venbha some point he did not understand and continued his speech, when he finished the prayer called him the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him came to him scared , said to him, the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him kindly and Lynn: This prayer is not the right place for any of the words of the people, but it is a praise and tahmeed and read the Koran, said Muawiya said, commenting on the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: my father and my mother, what I've seen better educated and attach it peace be upon him .
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