Causes of dropout and self-social, economic and educational

Complexity of the phenomenon in such waste   School, is difficult to determine specific causes. This overlap in what is a personal self or what is   Else is also achieved for the social is economic.Without losing sight of what the educational impact of this   Process:  -   Side of the family remains the most urgent reasons, as the family   Safety valve for the child's life in general. The life of the child remain stable as long as the marital status   As well, and what to get a lower tension in the relationship between parents turn up to the lives of children   Nightmare.Divorce and the ongoing quarrel between the father and the mother of the child creates a state of desire   To interest the ocean in its importance within the structure of the family. And may be more miserable   And delinquency and truancy and duties. That which leads automatically to the repetition  Continuous and thus drop out of school, amid the lack of interest among the family and follow-up  The march of school children  
-   In the same context, insist that the preoccupation with the father or mother   Bmtaabhma or both within the labor and harsh living and the difficulty of providing a decent living will   Them not to follow the daily work of the Son, and not Elhahama to make an extra effort from   Altovq for which to pay the son of faith in vain the whole process declares his rebellion   Of education   
-   The center of which arises where the child has is also an impact on the level of achievement  The child and thus continue or to stop at a certain stage of teaching: The family of which the  Illiterate members do not pay attention to the science does not graduate for the most part only children   Persuade a modicum of science just as long as the Top of this condition. And on the other hand, play   Customs and traditions play an important role as we find families in rural areas do not accept the education of   Girls. And at best they accept the completion of primary education stands for   Academic career at this point. As long as the house of her future husband is doomed.  -   In   Link is highlighted, we refer here to the bad company that could in turn lead to   Drop out of school. Influenced by his friends, where the child is interested in the study. Begins in   Lax in completing his studies and Tkazle and perhaps repeated absences. Leading to the school   The decision to disconnect that happens automatically. And this factor is even more serious if Andhav  The other factor is the wrong understanding of the parents in the love of the Son Phippalgan Tdleilh and meet   All his desires without undergoing Accounting   
-   Poverty, which it was said that it is almost blasphemous   May be a reason for dropping out of school, where the high cost of the study of the duties of registration   And buy tools, clothes and maybe look for a home in the after school from the seat of a residential family   And not benefited from a scholarship student at least being able to sleep within the walls of   School. And the father may be in need of help in bearing the troubles of life in his son Vezj   World of work rather than research for his seat in the school ..  -   And may get carried away in the said   Reasons related to society and the extent and character Ahtmahmh science student the same ... But not   We are entitled to wonder about the possibility that the school is repulsive factors from science and   Study and thus may be the other cause of dropout?
How do we face this wasteful school?   
Dropout phenomenon affecting the community should be the entity to be their elimination   The community are   
Perhaps we were fortunate in that while we we're working on it   This topic, concerned with education authorities announced the establishment of the Kingdom of Morocco vigilance cell  National to face the phenomenon of dropout. Which means that there is a sense of its seriousness and officially inspired   So that there is a reflection of those responsible in earnest in the phenomenon. Is this an indicator of   Enough? Of course not, should become a society with all its components concerned by this phenomenon: authorities   Competent civil society actors men and women educators teaching students parents.  To mention the parents, actually there is interest by them children school attendance is   Which appears clearly in the same bloc, parent groups and parents of students. But how to think the father in   Son who is suffering from problems in understanding? At best, and if the pocket allows it   It pays him to take advantage of private lessons. 
-   At the household level is eager to teach their children should be organized into campaigns   Ranks show them the importance of education for their children's future   
-   Must restore   Cohorts of learners who dropped out of school and a ruler to facilitate this process.  
-   The educational level must conduct effective educational approaches close to the world   Learner with the educational achievement of justice through the school and change the concept of educational evaluation   Which remains the only measure in which the final exam, which is unfair to students and   Arbitrarily in the results in the time that many efficiencies can be measured flowing.With an attempt to   Teachers to diversify teaching methods and out of the traditional methods of sterile attempt successful   To engage the student in presenting educational topics serious and find ways to solve them. 
-   Work   To improve social services for students and their families.
-   Entry and   Promote modern technology in the ways of acquiring knowledge, to communicate with each other and catch up   Races in this area and to develop the same learner. With the support of teaching by the project.
-   Work on the appointment of supervisors   Social education institutions see their mission on the conditions of student social and psychological   And try to find solutions for the object of his academic problems with interference to face all   Misunderstanding happening between the student and some teachers.  -   Providing the educational institution   Rural science teachers, and support in order to motivate them to engage in there, and in case of transmission   Student to a place far from the seat of residence for the study either because there is no institution or to select   Bbldth people are not available, you must provide housing to him either in the internal sections without discrimination in the Between students or create a house the headquarters of the student or charities.
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