The causes of the phenomenon of school drop-out procedures and preventive and remedial

The phenomenon of school drop-out found in all countries. Can not be alone   And educational reality of this phenomenon, but they vary in degree of severity and exacerbation of the community to  Another and from one grade to another and from one region to another. It is also impossible for any system   Education to get rid of them permanently, or whatever the effectiveness of its development.This means that the proportion of unit   Its presence is determined by how serious.   
Leakage is   A huge waste of educational and impact negatively on all aspects of society and peacebuilding, it increases the size of   Illiteracy, unemployment and weaken economic structure of society and the productivity of the individual, and increases the   Dependency and reliance on others to provide the needs. And increases the size of the problems   Social juvenile delinquency and delinquency such as theft, assault on others and their property   Map, which weakens the community and unspoiled. And lead to leakage
Attention shifted from building society   And reconstruction, development and prosperity to the attention of reform centers, treatment and counseling, and to   Increase the number of prisons and hospitals, its expenses and the expenses of health care treatment. Also lead   Exacerbate the leakage to the continuing ignorance and backwardness and thus control of the customs and traditions of ballet  That limit and hinder the development of society, such as early marriage and parental control and therefore the absolute   Depriving the community of practice of democracy and depriving its people of their rights and turn to the community   Community recessive and controlled because it can not be sovereign and free society and at the same time   Ignorant: a society of racism, prejudice and narrow-mindedness and intolerance.  That the phenomenon of   Leakage from the educational system have multiple causes and complex mixed educational reasons   With the family with the social, economic and security .. And others.Phenomenon is the result of leakage   A variety of reasons interact and accumulate with each upward to push the learner and the acceptance of his family   Either with or as a fait accompli to the learner out of the educational system before the completion of   Educational stage that started it.  Individual reasons for dropping out vary in terms of degree   Impact on the learner's leaking, which are major causes have a strong influence and direct   And play a crucial role in the leak, and some have a secondary impact, and the reasons   Others do not have any effect. On the other hand plays families and parents of pupils   Drop-outs - sometimes - a major and direct role in pushing their children to drop out of   Schools. By forcing them to drop in and out to the labor market, or to marry early,   Or because of family problems. At other times, they have an indirect impact by not   Interest and apathy and anxiety over their children .. And others. Classified the causes of leakage in the  Three main areas: the causes of leaking back to the learner and the reasons for belonging to the family and the reasons for return   For the school. There is no separation between these areas varies according to the strength and influence of the negative   Play in the educational lives of students. Here are the top reasons for dropping out:  First, owing to the learner the same leaky:  1.   Low academic achievement and learning difficulties:   The low   Academic achievement and learning difficulties in the first place for reasons of leakage of learners from schools   From the viewpoint of dropouts has said 74% of the dropouts that the reason for dropping out due to thisreason.   It is believed 77.4 percent of the parents that the low achievement was the reason for the leakage of their children, and notes of   Results of the study that the low academic achievement among males had the strongest effect on dropping out   From school, compared with females.  2.   Lack of interest in school and lower   The value of education:   Decline in the value of education when students drop out was the second reason   For dropping out, he said 72.8 percent of the dropouts that the reason for dropping out is the lack of interest in school.   Believed to 76.1% of parents that their children's lack of interest was a reason for dropping out, and not   Interest in school was higher among males than females and has the strongest effect in dropping out of  School compared with females.  3.   Early marriage and courtship:   And is ranked third for the reasons students drop out of school as a cause   To drop out, which is in first place for females 69.2% dropped out of the marriage  Why in the early dropout from school. And 56.6% believed parents that he was the reason   For the leakage of their daughters.  4.   Out to the labor market:   Out to the market   Work to support the family was the most influential reason for the leakage of males after the cause of low achievement   School to have.77.1% of male students emphasized that the exit to the labor market was the reason   To drop out.While he considers 42.6% of parents a reason to drop their children.  Second, owing to leakage of their children in the family:  1.   Bad situation   Economic family:   Of the family a big role in pushing their children to drop out due to poor   Their economic,
2.   Caring for members of the family and help around the house:   Leave   Students who drop out of school to care for family members, especially young brothers and assistance   In the work of the house,
  3.   To compel the family of the student   Left the study:   Family forced her children, whether male or female to leave   Schools, and often forced to work in the male labor market and the lack of female interest in the family   Female education 
4.   Absence of a person who assists the student and the student to study in the family:   Lack of interest in the family help their children overcome educational difficulties   Facing them in the school was an important reason for the leak of their children.
  5.   Lack of interest in family education:   Decline in the value of education   Families of students, dropouts and the lack of attention to education, has had a great deal of importance in   Causes leakage of their children.
Third, owing to the school:  1.   Alienation from the school:   School is not friendly to dropouts, Vhaoura   Alienated them for any reason such as lack of sense of belonging to or due to the difficulty Article   Particular did not succeed in understanding, and the lack of comfortable environment has to pull him to complete his studies, all   Reasons for expelling students from school.   
2.   The use of moral and physical punishment by teachers against   Students:   The use of moral and physical punishment by teachers to students is one of the   Important reason in the students drop out of school.
  3.   Discrimination among the students:   Discrimination between students in all its forms practiced by the device   Teaching students in the school's right, whether discrimination on the basis of grades level or at   Clan-based or economic or discrimination based on sex or in school activities.   All these reasons have affected the dropout of students from their schools.   
4.   Lack of   Vocational school close to housing:   Can be a vocational education and means to reduce   Leakage of students who have difficulties learning in the academic branch, so the presence of schools   Professional accommodation close to the limits of the students of this phenomenon.   
5.   The lack of people in the school   Helps the student to face the problems:   The weakness of extension educators in the school   Whose core mission to help students in solving their problems, whether educational or social   Enhances the chances of leakage of the students as a result of the accumulation of problems within the school, without finding any   Help to solve,   
Fourth, the convictions of the family school   Related to leakage of their children:  1.   Discrimination between students according to the situation of their families   Material: think about a third of parents of students who drop   The school to distinguish between   Students and excellence in its dealings with parents as the physical status of the family.  2.   Requests   School of the family financially cumbersome: as believed   Parents of dropouts that requests   The school of her family financially burdensome, and they are not able to fulfill them.  3.   The family visits regularly to the school: more than half of parents   Do not do   Periodic visits to the school. For the conditions of their children's academic and non academic.  Preventive measures to reduce the dropout phenomenon:  Male dropouts and parents   A number of existing preventive measures school and family that help in reducing the phenomenon of   Dropping out of school, and a number of other remedial action that solves the problem of dropouts.  First, preventive measures to reduce the school dropout phenomenon:  1.   Activating the role of the educational guide to help students in solving educational problems  And non-educational, in cooperation with the educational system in the school and the community and in particular   Parents of students.  2. A fair deal and non-discrimination among students within   School.  3. The punishment of all kinds at school (physical and psychological): Although   That the Ministry of Education formally prohibit all forms of punishment in schools as a deterrent, but   Punishment is practiced in schools by the education system. Which requires the development of control mechanisms   And follow-up to ensure full commitment not to use the method of punishment to solve the problems of students. Where   Believed to 53.2% of the dropouts and 52.3 percent of the parents to prevent the punishment in schools is a   A preventive measure to reduce the influence of the phenomenon of leakage.  4. The provision of vocational education is close to the   Housing.  5. To provide remedial education enabling students with learning difficulties.  6. Activating the law of compulsory education in the basic stage and to establish mechanisms for follow-up   And implementation at the school level.  7. To allow students to matriculate dropouts   Regardless of age, subject to specified conditions andsoft.  Second, preventive measures of family:  Play the ministry and civil society organizations play a key role at the level of   Family to reduce the dropout phenomenon by organizing awareness programs for the family the importance of education  For their children through the following:  1. Financially assist poor families to cover expenses   Study and providing the requirements of education for their children.  2.   Awareness and family education   Value of education and its importance and the risk of leakage of their children.  3. To convince the families need   Create a family atmosphere for their children through the provision of appropriate time and place to study in the   Home.  4. The family to help their children solve their problems in school and learning difficulties   In thesubjects.  5. Not to assign students tasks to their children a family can afford.   By their availability and provide enough time for them to study.  6. The connection is   And communication between family and school to follow the development of their children and overcome the problems   Face within and outside the school and to help solvethem.  7. Family involvement   Extra-curricular activities organized by the school.  8. Educating the family risk of marriage   Early for their daughters and enacting laws that prohibit the marriage less than a specified age, as well as the risks   Distinguish between children based on gender in education.  Therapeutic procedures for drop-outs:  Problem   School dropout is a national problem that requires concerted efforts of all to find effective solutions   Student dropouts. In addition to the role played by the Ministry of Education in this area.  Also required of the official institutions and specifically the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, and  Institutions of civil society to develop a national action plan for the rehabilitation of dropouts who mostly   Reverted to illiteracy through the following:  1. Expansion of the vocational education centers   In all governorates of the country and providing facilities and bonuses for students enrolled in them.  2. Diversify vocational education programs to keep pace with the needs of the labor market.  3. Follow-up   Graduates by providing a form of communication between them and the producers in the labor market   To facilitate the employment and rehabilitation with the new jobs that attendthem.  4. Put   Legislation and laws setting minimum wages and a mechanism for oversight and implementation to prevent the exploitation   Labor.  5. Encourage the private sector, who runs the cultural centers on the   Diversification of its programs to keep pace with the labor market with the supervision of these centers in terms of rehabilitation programs   Provided by the level and method of performance and follow-up ... etc. graduates.  6. Expansion of the   Literacy centers for drop-outs who reverted to illiteracy and the provision of vocational education commensurate with   Abilities.
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